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So You Want To Thrift Like a Pro? Here Are 5 Tips To A Successful Thrift Trip

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Thrifting has been a well-loved activity for many Millennials and Gen-Zs. Instead of hanging out at the mall, we prefer the thrill of searching through the endless racks of secondhand clothing in the hopes of finding something unique and funky to add to our wardrobe. I consider myself an avid thrifter, even though I started thrifting two years ago. I drive one hour to Yuma, Arizona, for my thrifting trips because ironically, my small town does not have any thrift stores to visit. I don’t mind it though, because when you are truly passionate about something, the effort you put in is worth it! I know many of you are thinking about adopting a sustainable lifestyle, and many of us are starting with the one thing we love most: shopping. We’re ditching fast-fashion and giving used clothing a new home while making big strides in helping our environment. Some of you may be discouraged from past thrifting trips or overwhelmed on where to start. So, I want to share with you my top tips on how to make the most of your thrifting trips!

Have Thrifting Buddies!

Believe me when I say this: thrifting is an art. It requires multiple people to make the most of it. When you have friends who hold the same interest in thrifting accompany you, the atmosphere shifts, and you will feel so much more confident and comfortable. It sounds weird, but on my first thrift trip, I went with my parents who are not fans of secondhand. They were getting more and more impatient because your girl loves taking her time! I felt so pressured that I hardly looked through the racks of clothing in fear of being judged for my sense of style. Understanding that they wanted to go,  I left empty-handed but with the realization that the people whom you are with really affects the mood of your whole thrift trip. Having thrift buddies not only makes thrifting so much more fun, but it is also so helpful when you have a second opinion on what you have in your cart. When you are caught between two dresses that are calling your name but you know you can’t take both, have your thrift buddies give you the best advice on which to get. Sometimes you may end up leaving both on the rack!

Make a List and Organize Items

Before I go on a thrifting trip, I always pull out my notes on my phone and make a game plan on how I will start my search. Whether you are going to a store like Goodwill where sales are being held once a month, or to a small charity shop that has special discounts on certain days for young adults, remember there are other people hunting for the same items as you! First, think about what item you genuinely want to prioritize. Is it some sturdy denim high-waisted jeans? Or are you hoping to find some nice accessories to match a dress you have at home? Second, write down the categories in the order you think is best. Once you arrive at the store, you’ll have it all mapped out, and the crowds won’t intimidate you because you are organized and ready to hunt! I personally write jeans and dresses first because once you hit those sections at a later time, they have already been sorted through!

The Neck-Wrap Technique

Okay, by this time you definitely have way too many jeans in your cart… or am I the only one guilty of that? Before heading to the dressing rooms, definitely do the trusty neck-wrap technique. You grab the pair of jeans, hold them by the waist, and wrap them around your neck to see if they are genuinely your size! It is quite surprising, but it works like a charm every time.

Keep a Budget

It is extremely important to have a budget because overspending is bound to happen! Before going to checkout, it is time to use your cellphone calculator app. Add up everything and see if it exceeds your budget. I am very guilty of this; I get so carried away with the items I find and I spend more than what I meant to. With all the excitement of the items you have found, you don’t always realize some are in your cart out of impulse. With every piece, definitely think of three to four outfits you can style with it. If you have many statement pieces in your cart,  you have to go through the hard process of decision-making. Take only one or two, you don’t need many of them- trust me. Check for coupon codes if you’re thrifting at big stores, and you may just be able to take that sweater you left behind.

Don’t Underestimate Small Thrift Stores 

There are many small antique and thrift stores in the downtown area of some cities. They may not be part of the popular chain of thrift stores we tend to hear about, but these are what help the community most.

To be quite honest, the most unique items I have purchased have been in the most hidden thrift stores. If you like to thrift furniture and accent pieces,  I found a beautiful silver antique mirror that I bought for only $4 that now sits on my desk. When you buy an item, the money goes to support the charity they are representing. One of my favorite thrift stores donates money to organizations that assist victims of domestic violence, child/elder abuse and sexual assault. Take time to know more about the places you spend your time thrifting. You may have a new item to take home, but most importantly, you are helping those in need.

I know we can’t visit thrift stores like we used to do; however, I hope you are able to put these tips into practice when you can. For me, thrifting is an opportunity to give clothing another chance at life. The donor of the item you buy decided it was time for it to be used to create new memories.  I see every piece of clothing as a memory book. A dress you bought may have been worn at the donor’s first memorable high school homecoming dance; for you, it is now what you’ll wear for your cousin’s sweet sixteen. Each thread in each clothing contains a story. I hope you make millions of memories with everything you find.

Marvin is a Junior majoring in Korean and (hopefully) minoring in Comparative Literature. Her dream of living in LA has become a reality, even if she lives the UCLA experience through Zoom.
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