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Ross Gordon: Campus Celeb

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.


Name: Ross Gordon

Year: Junior

Major: Business Economics with an Accounting and Environmental Systems and Society minor

Hometown: Santa Monica


When I had to think of somebody who lives up to the title of campus celebrity I couldn’t help but immediately think of Ross Gordon. Ross can be found singing with one of UCLA’s most competitive A cappella Groups, Scattertones. He can also be found leading groups of eager high schoolers, and quite frankly, obnoxious middle schoolers around UCLA as part of the elite group, Campus Tours. Ross also commits his time to the Alumni Scholars Club, which is something that you can only join as a new student (freshman or transfers only!) Through this club Ross is awarded a scholarship every year for his academic achievements throughout high school and while at UCLA. Oh, and I forgot to mention, Ross already has a full-time job lined up after he graduates. Over the summer Ross was offered not one, but two early offers from two of the Big 4 Accounting firms, Deloitte and KPMG. (Not going to lie, I am so jealous!) But how can you blame recruiters? Not only does Ross look so impressive on paper, but also he’s incredibly charming and charismatic. I luckily got the chance to snag an interview with this extremely busy Bruin.


What has been your most rewarding experience thus far at UCLA? “When Scattertones won second place at the finals for the International Competition of College A Cappella in New York City.”


What has been your favorite tour moment so far as a tour guide? “When a group of 50 high school students asked me to sing for them at the end of the tour” (And he did!)


What are your plans for after graduation? “I plan to work for Deloitte’s Audit practice in Los Angeles and get my CPA. After a few years I plan to leave LA to experience another city.”


Favorite LA Restaurant? “If I’m not paying, then Il Forno, a fancy Italian restaurant in Santa Monica. If I am then Swinger’s Diner in Santa Monica.” (It’s open until 3am!)


What has been your best celeb sighting? “17 Again was filmed at my high school and I got to be an extra in a scene. During the shot I was walking down the hallway and blocking the camera from shooting Zac Efron so the director told me to move. I apologized to Zac Efron and he said, “Don’t worry about it man!”


What has been your proudest Bruin moment? “When the Scattertones were asked to sing at the White House over the Holidays to represent UCLA” (No, he didn’t get to see Obama.)


What are you most looking forward to this quarter? “Spring break!”


Hayley. 20. UCLA. Junior. San Diego.
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