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The Pros & Cons of Being An Out-Of-State-Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Leaving the state I had grown up in to go to college was something I had always looked forward to doing. I was really tired of living in the same place my whole life and I just wanted a fresh start. By going to college in a different state, I have learned that there are both positives and negatives to being an out-of-state student.

One advantage of being an out-of-state student is that you get to experience a whole new place that is different from where you grew up. There are so many sights you have yet to see and places you have yet to explore; the adventures are endless. Another positive is living on campus! Although moving into a dorm may be scary at first – especially if you do not know your roommates – it is also a great way to meet new friends at school and get out of your normal comfort zone. Living on campus gives you the full college experience and the opportunity to make a lifetime of memories. It gives you a type of independence that you probably would not have otherwise. Lastly, another great thing about being an out-of-state student at UCLA is that there are so many great career and networking opportunities that I would not have had if I had stayed in my hometown. I have the opportunity to explore so many different clubs and I now have access to alumni who are successful in areas that I am interested in pursuing. 

Even though there are a lot of positive aspects of being an out-of-state student, there are also some downsides. One major downside is the cost of living and out-of-state tuition. It requires a lot of money to be an out-of-state student. I am paying way more in tuition than I would if I had stayed in-state. Many students end up having to take out student loans just to afford to continue their college career.

Another downside is that although you may be living independently, it is more difficult to adjust to a new place where you are unable to see a lot of family, friends or familiar places. Also, not living close to home means I do not have the luxury of bringing my laundry home. Yes, I have become much better at doing my laundry, but sometimes it would be nice to just bring it home for mom. Personally, I did not know anyone when I was a freshman coming into UCLA, and it was extremely terrifying. Since I am from Las Vegas, it is not too hard to go home on a whim, but for some other people who might be from a state even farther away, home may be too far to go to just for the weekend. Being away from my family really took a toll on me my first year of college. It took a lot of time to adjust to living away from home. 

Although there are both pros and cons to my experience as an out-of-state student, I am glad that I chose to go to a school out of the state I had grown up in. I have been given the opportunity to meet so many amazing people and experience so many new places. It does cost me a lot of money to go here, but in my opinion, it is money well spent. Plus, I get to experience life in the city that I want to stay in after I graduate from college! It may have been a scary decision to leave the comfort of my own home, but I think it was the right choice because I have learned so much about myself and have become a better person.

Caitlyn studied at UCLA where she majored in English and minored in film. She loves writing about all things lifestyle and entertainment related. When she is not writing articles, she loves going to hot yoga, reading, and binge-watching One Tree Hill for the hundredth time!
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