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Merck’s Plan It Forward Campaign Encourages You to Plan For Your Future

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Last week we welcomed three planning gurus who encouraged us to put a plan in place for our future, whether we want to change our major in college like nutritionist Corinne Dobbas or start a business like career expert Jenny Blake. Her Campus co-founder Windsor Hanger also made her first UCLA campus visit, allowing HC chapter members and panel attendees to get first-hand advice from one of the women who started it all. While they all had very different stories to share about how they’ve gotten where they are today, they all agreed that planning ahead is a key to success when reaching your goals.The panel, part of the larger Plan It Forward campaign brought to you by Merck (http://www.hercampus.com/planitforward), left women inspired, pledging to craft a plan now and begin working toward what they hope to achieve.

Bummed you missed it? You can still visit the Plan It Forward section of HerCampus.com (http://www.hercampus.com/planitforward) to download the tools you need to create your own plan and tips on avoiding any roadblocks that could get in your way. On the site, you can also check out what other women around the country have pledged to accomplish. Get started today! Click here (http://www.hercampus.com/planitforward/take-pledge#sthash.OL1zmC25.dpbs) to Pledge to Plan It Forward and take the first step toward crafting a plan and reaching your goals.

UCLA '15 Major: Psychobiology Hometown: San Jose