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Meet Charismatic and Charming Christine ’11!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Name: Christine
Year: 3rd Year…but graduating this Spring!
Major: English
Hometown: San Diego

What is your secret weapon when flirting with a guy?
I try to smile really wide and bat my eyelashes.  I just try to have that Marilyn Monroe smile!
What is the cutest thing a guy has ever done for you?
For prom, a guy made a huge banner that said “Christine, will you go to prom with me-Steven?” and it was right over the freeway outside of my high school so everyone saw it.  Not to mention he was waiting for me with a giant bouquet of roses!
Favorite Moment at UCLA so far:
Attending all the sporting events and living inside Kappa…that was an experience in itself!
First thing you notice about a guy:
His style….and his bod obvi!
Best first date:
Korean BBQ and mini golfing, so I could whip his butt!
Most embarrassing moment:
I tripped and hit my head on a toilet in Home Depot and they went domino….BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!  And my dad was like “That’s so not my child.”
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Charismatic. Ditsy. Nice.
Favorite food:
Sushi…you have to get the Washington Roll!
3 things you can’t live without:
My car, my pillows, and my Michael Kors watch.
Brunette or blonde:
Where?!….ohhh haha brunette!  Tall, dark, and handsome is my type!
Favorite Cartoon Character:
I like the baby from Family Guy.
Biggest guilty pleasure:
Nordstrom Rack.com and frozen chocolate chips….ice cream too!

Madeline Hunt is a senior at UCLA majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Spanish. Originally from the laidback beach-town of Santa Barbara, the California native finds the fast-paced nature and eccentricity of LA extremely exciting. Once more, she decided to expand her horizons when she studied abroad this past fall in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Madeline wants to pursue a career in the entertainment industry and is considering broadcast journalism and public relations as potential options. On campus, she is currently the Public Relations & Marketing Director for the student- run organization Fashion and Student Trends and an intern at E! News. She served as an entertainment reporter on UCLA’s accredited student newspaper, The Daily Bruin, under the video division and is a current member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. During her free time, she enjoys playing tennis, exercising, going to the beach, shopping (online shopping will be the death of her!), reading Glamour and Cosmo, eating Mexican food and sushi, spending time with her friends, practicing her Spanish, and satisfying her weakness for caffeine with Starbuck’s lattes.