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America\'s Got Talent studio set.
America\'s Got Talent studio set.
Original photo by Mallory Cooper
Life > Experiences

Let’s Get Real About Reality TV Show Tapings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

At a big school like UCLA, it is totally normal to feel like you sometimes blend right into the background. With over 30,000 undergraduate students, I too have occasionally felt like I am just someone in the crowd. Except this past Sunday, I actually was: I attended a taping of “America’s Got Talent” and along with a few of my fellow Her Campus UCLA members, became part of the live studio audience.

Now that I’ve mastered the art of TV-worthy clapping (clapping in front of your face to let everyone at home see your hands, obviously) and seen the Mel B AKA Scary Spice in person, I have a few tips for your next reality TV show taping. So here are 4 things you should really keep in mind: 

Dress Up for Your Close-UP

As an audience member, you are expected to be camera-ready at any time. Because of that, there are certain guidelines to follow when picking your outfit. We were told to dress in dark-colored, business casual clothing. This means no light colors and definitely no recognizable brand names or logos, so ditch your “Just Do It” t-shirts and Eras Tour crewnecks at the door. 

With all of this in mind, it is still super important to remember to dress comfortably. Whether or not you are someone who naturally gets chilly super easily– layering is key, so bring a jacket! But definitely no standing jeans, because…

Be Ready to Sit…For A Long Time

Once grabbing our seats, production estimated that they would be shooting until 8pm. Because we had arrived at around 2pm, I thought this had to be an over exaggeration. But boy, was I wrong: we didn’t walk off the set until about 9:30pm. So yes, that’s over 7 hours of sitting!

So make sure to get all of your assignments done ahead of time because even though it was super fun to watch all of the performances, the taping definitely took up a huge chunk of my day. We were also not allowed to go on our phones for a good portion of the show, so make sure you send any urgent emails or texts before you show up. But don’t fret: photo ops are still very much possible during breaks!

Leave Your Hangriness Backstage

Speaking of breaks, they were very few and far between at my taping. If you’re someone like me who gets cranky after a few hours sans snacks, make sure to eat a solid meal before taking your seat in the audience. There was no food allowed in the studio during my taping, so curbing your hunger ahead of time is definitely a good idea.

Even though there were limited breaks at my taping, I would definitely recommend using the bathroom and grabbing water when you can! At AGT, there were employees stationed at every section: the production team really does want everyone to have an enjoyable experience, so don’t be shy and speak up if you need something. Above all else, don’t feel pressured to stay in your seat – listen to your body!

Smile, You’re On Camera!

This one may seem self-explanatory, but make sure to smile! Because filming takes hours, it is completely natural to feel tired and zone out. However, keeping an upbeat attitude helps create a positive vibe that will last long after the cameras stop rolling.

If you are lucky enough to snag a seat in a studio audience, remember this: not everyone has access to such a cool opportunity… so enjoy it while it lasts! And make sure to tune into “America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League” in 2024 – I know I will!

Mallory is a second year English major from Los Angeles, California. She loves thrifting, traveling, and listening to Taylor Swift.