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Jackie Ryan / Her Campus
Wellness > Sex + Relationships

It’s Shoot Your Shot Spring!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

It’s spring quarter! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and suddenly everybody you know is in a relationship. That’s right. Whether it be spring flings or long-term commitments, everybody seems to be coupled up out of the blue. Understandably so. With summer being right around the corner, everybody is itching for some sort of summer romance to spice things up. But the quarter is almost over and that means that time is ticking. A lot of people are taking the end of the quarter as a sign to finally make a move and talk to their campus crushes. 

I would like to introduce you all to a little something I have coined “Shoot Your Shot Spring!” Crushes are undeniably one of the most exciting parts of college life. You’re surrounded by cuties upon cuties and it feels as if the possibilities are endless! “Could they be the one? Could I make out with them? Could they be my new situationship?” Dating in college can be so intimidating… but it could also be so fun. And, who knows? Maybe it can be the start of something new. But you never know if you don’t try! If there’s one piece of advice that I constantly give to all of my friends, it’s to take the plunge and go for it! 

belly and conrad playing basketball on the boardwalk in the summer i turned pretty season 2
Erika Doss/Prime Video

I’m not shy to admit that I am a lover girl at heart and I don’t think that will ever change. I love the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, I love coming home and debriefing to my roommates about the cute guy I talked to in my class or in a club, and I love romanticizing the stupidest little interactions with some handsome stranger that I probably won’t remember the next day. Bottom line is, I love being a girl with a crush! Having fleeting interactions with people is always exciting and puts a little pep in my step; however, sometimes it’s also fun to let your curiosity take the wheel and give you the push you need to shoot your shot. After all, you do miss 100% of the shots you don’t take! 

Although I am such a big advocate for being straight up and laying it all out on the table. I can totally understand why people are so nervous to shoot their shot. With putting yourself out there, there is always the dreadful possibility of getting rejected. Rejection is something that I am just all too familiar with and, if you’ve read my Her Campus articles, you know this. Rejection sucks and it’s always going to suck. But what sucks even more is wondering what could have been between you and your crush. 

Rejection is also a natural, unavoidable part of life. We all have to experience it in one way or another. This has made me realize that rejection truly is nothing to fear! What’s the worst that could happen with shooting your shot? They say they’re not interested? They say they have a partner already? The worst is really never as bad as you think it’s going to be. Oh, you got rejected? Who cares! The thing that matters the most is that you made a move, you put yourself out there, and you took a chance! That means more than a rejection ever will. So, be a badass and shoot your shot. Do your thing, it’s Shoot Your Shot Spring! 

Lauren Del Mar is a third-year World Arts and Cultures major at UCLA! She is from San Diego, California and she is beyond excited to be a part of the Her Campus team! From writing to performing on stage, Lauren absolutely adores storytelling and is so happy to be able to tell stories through Her Campus!