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It’s Time to Start Holiday Celebrations!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

              It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Target has turkey stickers, Wal-Mart is selling Christmas ornaments and menorahs, and Trader Joe’s is selling EVERYTHING pumpkin flavored that you could possibly want. If the stores are telling you it’s that time of year, don’t hesitate to start celebrating!

              One of the best things about the holidays is the food. From pumpkin pie to honey roasted ham, there is no other time of year that competes on the food level. Sometimes the best thing to do is baking some holiday cookies (peppermint or spritz) and putting your favorite music on in the background (I’m partial to Frank Sinatra’s Christmas albums, but that’s just my opinion). Don’t be afraid to try out some new recipes either! Pro tip: messing up recipes is half the fun.

            To get yourself in the holiday spirit, it never hurts to get a little ~artsy~ with your room. Throw up a mini tree or some extra twinkle lights. Maybe, if you’re feeling ambitious, you can dress your mini fridge up as a snowman. Decorate with your roommates so that it’s more fun! Oh, and don’t forget, a little tinsel never hurt anyone (as far as I’m aware, please don’t quote me on that).

            Obviously the holidays can be a fantastic time for some people, and a little rougher for others. Despite which category you put yourself under, try to take pleasure in the little things around you. Start thinking of cute ideas for your family and friends to show them that you love them. Whether it be a sweet note or a plasma screen TV, I’m sure they’ll appreciate it. It’s the most magical time of year because you send and receive so much love, and that is invaluable. 

Julie is a second-year undergraduate student at UCLA. Her passions include tennis, (watching) ice hockey, eating far too many delicious foods, dancing around like an idiot with her friends, and being overly sassy. She aspires to work in pretty much any realm of sports.
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