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How Her Campus Gave Me The Confidence To Pursue A Career In Writing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

From the time I could talk and toddle, dreams of pursuing a career in the entertainment industry had already snapped into focus, as I frequently aspired to become a world-famous actress or award-winning screenwriter. The glam and glory of such high-flying lifestyles put stars in my eyes for years, until the painful realities of competition, finances and limited opportunities put a dreary lens over my thoughts. My fantasies gradually matured into a vision of a steady, financially responsible job — crunching numbers in a cubicle from sunrise to sunset for decades on end. 

Playing it safe in applying to college as a business economics major (rather than choosing a field of study I was truly passionate about), I only permitted my entertainment industry dreams to stray as far as becoming an accountant or business executive that worked for a production company. While those careers would still encompass a certain level of excitement and glam, my heart felt cheated out of its truly exciting and lifelong dream of being a full-time writer. (A particularly embarrassing Drama 101 class in high school swiftly kicked the acting dream to the curb — and I’m really not sorry about that). But after applying on a whim to an online publication at UCLA last summer, I started to realize that this dull mindset of mine would soon be changed forever.

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GIF by NETFLIX via Giphy

Spoiler Alert: The fact that you’re reading this article right now vouches for my previous stroke of luck in being admitted to the Her Campus at UCLA team as a weekly features writer—a.k.a. my very first writing gig! After an impulsive major switch (bye-bye Business, hello English!) and beginning a new writing position, that dreamy state of mind I lost finally started resurfacing with thoughts of pursuing an exciting career rather than a “responsible” one. And a few weeks into the job, I discovered the real culprit behind my former fantasy abandonment: I had no confidence in myself. 

The perfectionist personality trait inherent in most members of my generation prompted personal thoughts of insecurity and self-doubt in my abilities. I just didn’t believe in myself anymore. Taking on a risky career path like writing opens up the floor for internal criticisms such as, “You’ll never get published. Nobody will enjoy your writing. Successful writers are one in a million, so why would that ever be you?”.

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Neogaf GIF via Giphy

Writing at HC at UCLA eventually turned the tide of these intrusive thoughts, and week by week I grew increasingly more confident in my writing capabilities after hearing incredibly supportive praise from my editors, readers, friends and family members. The true passion started to shine through in my heart as I realized that Her Campus was just the beginning of what could be a lifelong pursuit of writing — journalist, blogger, screenwriter, novelist, poet, lyricist…the opportunities are endless!  

A new mindset gradually took hold as I now proceeded to ask myself, “Successful writers are one in a million, so why couldn’t that one be you?”.

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New Girl Confidence GIF via Giphy

Having the opportunity to write articles every week for a globally-recognized publication brings me more happiness than I ever thought possible, and I finally understand that chasing more of this happiness is all I should be worried about in life. Forget obsessing over money, reputation and stability, everyone’s wildest dreams are meant to be chased — and at every age!   

Even if a youthful version of yourself shot for the stars with goals of becoming a cowboy, princess, alien or popstar, hold those dreams close to your heart and pursue them with relentless passion and perseverance. Without putting myself out there by applying to Her Campus on a spur-of-the-moment whim, I never would have changed the course of my life to one that truly excites and inspires me. Don’t be afraid to take the first step towards achieving your goals — it’s better to regret the things you did rather than the things you didn’t, trust me!

Grace LaPlante is currently a senior English major at UCLA—she’s a literature lover, music enthusiast and sports fanatic with dreams of traveling the world someday!