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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.


Jingle bells are ringing. Peppermint and gingerbread scents fill the air. Christmas music lifts our spirits. The holidays are finally here! Being busy college students, many of us would like to get a head start on Christmas shopping before the rush.

The Giving Keys is a foundation that sells key necklaces and bracelets. They employ individuals struggling to overcome poverty to engrave the keys with personalized messages or phrases. The purpose of the key is to pass it on to someone who is facing a similar challenge as the wearer of the key or to convey the message to someone in need of it. The key should get passed around over and over, promoting unity and companionship. This is a great gift for the holidays that really does keep giving. Once you give the key away, share your story with The Giving Keys online at thegivingkeys.com. The keys can either be accompanied by a bangle or necklace. The type of necklace that the key hangs on can be chosen from a variety of seven. The keys can then be personalized with any word(s). This is the perfect present for friends or family members so make sure you visit their website and like their Facebook page!

Her Campus at UCLA is a proud Elite Level Chapter in the Her Campus. Our team consists of talented writers, content creators, photographers, designers, event planners and more! Follow us @HerCampusUCLA and check out HerCampus.com/school/UCLA for more articles! Feel free to contact us at hc.ucla@hercampus.com for any questions.