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An Easy Gift Wrapping Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Get your elf hat on, it’s wrapping season!

Basically, every year I start getting for Christmas around mid-july. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around all my christmas shopping is done! Which leaves me more time to enjoy family, hot chocolate and warm slippers.

As you might guess, I am also an EXPERT gift wrapper. There’s just something so satisfying in choosing the perfect paper & ribbon combination. Of course some people don’t find it as fun.

If you think those presents are passable then think again! According to researcher there’s a psychology behind gift-wrapping. People associate happy memories with gifts, meaning a nicely wrapped present this Christmas is sure to make your friends and family even jollier.

Here are some tips are tricks to gift wrapping that’ll help you make your holidays merrier!

Here’s what you’ll need:

– Wrapping Paper!                                – Hot Chocolate ( Optional) 

– Double sided tape                              – Christmas Carol’s ( MUST HAVE) 

– Scissors                                             – Bone folder ( optional) 


Step 1: Center your gift on the blank side of the wrapping paper. Tape it down an inch before the middle with double sided tape.

Step 2:

Bring the rest of the paper over your gift. Using your fingers, pinch and make a crease where the edge of your gift is. Cut an Inch from that crease.

Step 3: Fold the paper over where you made the crease. When folded over it should meet the edge exactly! Use a bone folder to make the edges more crisp.

Step 4: You’ll have extra paper on the top and bottom. Trim the paper so it meets the edges perfectly. Uuse a bone folder to make your creases sharp.

Step 5: Your gift is almost done, it just needs some finishing touches. Wrap the ribbon around the present, leaving at least five inches at the first end. 

Step 6:  Tthe top ribbon in picture 9, comes down and round the top. Cut the ribbon you wrapped so that it’s as long as the end piece. Simply tie a knot in the middle. 

Step 7: Wrap ribbon around itself at least 15 times. The length of your ribbon will be the width of your bow! Fold the ribbon in half and cut the corners.

Step 8: Place the bow on top of the knot and tie tightly. Reachign inside one side of the bow, pull one loop towards you, and one loop away from you. Fluff the bow out!

Step 9: Enjoy your handiwork! Your official great enough to work at the North Pole 

gifs courtesy of giphy.com

“Badly” wrapped presents courtesy of Instagram

Photos courtesy of Helen Zapata

Helen Zapata is a sophomore majoring in English at UCLA. Beyond writing she loves crafting, gardening, planning elaborate birthday parties and reading bad romance novels.
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