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December Is My Favorite Month Of The Year (Solely For The Holiday Drinks)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Guys, it is officially that time of year we have all been waiting for, and I’m not talking about the holidays in general. I’m talking about the season of holiday drinks.

Yes, the holiday music is nice, and I love the holiday decorations as much as the next person, but there is just nothing like drinking a peppermint hot chocolate by the fireside that warms my heart and soul.

And although I’ll admit I could make a peppermint hot chocolate myself, for some reason it always tastes better when I get it at a coffee shop. Something about that red cup makes me so much more excited for the holidays. 

There are so many options, too, when it comes to holiday drinks. When I was younger, I was limited to only hot chocolates because, at age 10, eggnog made me gag. But as I have grown up and refined my taste, caffeinated Christmas drinks have become my go-to.

First off, we of course have Starbucks, a holiday classic. Have you ever had a Toasted White Chocolate Mocha from there? It will change your life. Or there is my personal favorite, a Caramel Brulee Latte. These drinks put you in the spirit. Rolling through the drive-through on a freezing cold day and getting a hot latte to warm me up never fails to brighten my mood.

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But Starbucks isn’t the only coffee shop with festive options during December, and there are definitely some other great options if you want to switch it up. Once upon a time, around this time last year actually, I found myself strolling around LAX waiting for my flight and stopped at a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. I was feeling in the spirit and ordered a “Winter Dream Tea Latte” and it lived up to its name. When I tell you it tasted like a sugar plum fairy, I am not lying.

Unfortunately, Coffee Beans are primarily in SoCal, but luckily for my Norcal girls, let me tell you about the drinks at Dutch Bros. This is a topic that excites me yet simultaneously haunts me as a former barista. I still have nightmares about steaming milk during the 8 AM rush, but I will admit those drinks were damn good. If you find yourself at a Dutch Bros this month, you have to try the Hazelnut Truffle Latte. It is like heaven on Earth. Or, if you are in the mood for a little more caffeine, try the Sweater Weather Chai. It has chai and blonde roasted espresso, so fair warning you will be bouncing off of the walls after you drink it.

At the end of the day, the beauty of these holiday drinks is that they serve as a constant reminder that the holiday season is here and we should be celebrating. It is a time we can all come together to relax, catch up with our families and spread some joy and positivity. Their great taste is an added bonus. So, please excuse me while I head to Starbucks and grab a latte. Happy holidays everyone!

Hi :) My name is Jade and I am a second year at UCLA! I am a double major in communications and cognitive science and I am super excited to be apart of Her Campus