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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

UCLA is such a beautiful campus, isn’t it Bruins? With the beginning of this new school year, it’s the perfect time to start the hunt for some new secret spots around campus. On your walk to class, when you have that awkward break in your day, take a look around! If you see something you like, snap a picture and share it with friends! Here is something to get you started: 




Christy is a 2nd year Communications major at UCLA. Originally from New York, she is taking advantage of going to school in LA since she loves the beach, outdoor events and adventures around the city. Christy is also a proud member of the UCLA women's ultimate frisbee team. Some other things she is interested in includes traveling, photography, and drawing. You can find her on Instagram @christylaugh!
Her Campus at UCLA is a proud Elite Level Chapter in the Her Campus. Our team consists of talented writers, content creators, photographers, designers, event planners and more! Follow us @HerCampusUCLA and check out HerCampus.com/school/UCLA for more articles! Feel free to contact us at hc.ucla@hercampus.com for any questions.