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Campus Cutie x2! UCLA Soccer Players: Cesar Morales ’14 & Michael Roman ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Friends and Teammates Cesar Morales (right) and Michael Roman (left) teamed up to give us twice the dose of Campus Cutie and double the trouble!

Cesar Morales 
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Year/Major: 2nd, Spanish
Activities: UCLA Soccer                                              

Michael Roman
Hometown: Oxnard, CA
Year/Major: 2nd, Anthropology
Activities: UCLA Soccer

1.  What is the first thing you notice in a girl?
            Cesar: The eyes, definitely the eyes.
            Michael: Yeah I’d have to say the eyes too.

2.  What is your biggest turnoff?
            Cesar: Body Odor.
            Michael: Bad breath.

3.  Do you have any guilty pleasures?
            Cesar: I love Kelly Clarkson.
            Michael: I really like chick flicks.

4.  What’s something not everyone knows about you?
            Cesar: I play the eukelele and I’m in a band.
            Michael: I’m Korean and Mexican and I was born in Anchorage, Alaska.

5.  Beauty or Brains?
            Cesar: Beauty…and a great personality.
            Michael: I agree with Cesar.

6.  What’s the one thing every girl should know about boys?
            Cesar: That they like girls.
            Michael: That we’re sensitive too. 

Madeline Hunt is a senior at UCLA majoring in Communication Studies with a minor in Spanish. Originally from the laidback beach-town of Santa Barbara, the California native finds the fast-paced nature and eccentricity of LA extremely exciting. Once more, she decided to expand her horizons when she studied abroad this past fall in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Madeline wants to pursue a career in the entertainment industry and is considering broadcast journalism and public relations as potential options. On campus, she is currently the Public Relations & Marketing Director for the student- run organization Fashion and Student Trends and an intern at E! News. She served as an entertainment reporter on UCLA’s accredited student newspaper, The Daily Bruin, under the video division and is a current member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. During her free time, she enjoys playing tennis, exercising, going to the beach, shopping (online shopping will be the death of her!), reading Glamour and Cosmo, eating Mexican food and sushi, spending time with her friends, practicing her Spanish, and satisfying her weakness for caffeine with Starbuck’s lattes.