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Campus Cutie: Mutahhar Sajjad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Year: 2nd

Major: Mathematics/Applied Science – Actuarial Plan

Full name: Mutahhar Sajjad 
1. Do you have any unusual hobbies?
I love scuba diving! I started scuba diving in Junior High. My parents had this huge tropical fish tank and we really got into ocean stuff so we’d travel to a lot of places that have great snorkeling, etc. My sister and I loved the vacations, but they weren’t enough. So we go into scuba diving together during high school and got certified. Now we try to dive somewhere every year. 
2. What’s your favorite disney movie and why?
That would have to be a tie between Tangled and Frozen. Each story is so unique compared to the regular love stories in Disney movies and I love all the songs in each movie. The evil mom mixed with selfish hero in Tangled…loved it! And the sisterly love ending in Frozen really got me.
3. What are your favorite qualities in a girl?
I like a girl to be independent, sassy. She should also be good balance between mature and childish (too mature gets boring).
4. What is a typical date with you like?
I take a girl out for a meal and then take her to a nice viewpoint or for a scenic walk.
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
I see myself being an Actuary for an Insurance Company or an Investment Banker. Hopefully also in a steady relationship that leads to ‘the big day’ in a few years after.
6. What are your plans for summer break?
I’m planning to take classes for both summer sessions. Then I’m traveling to Turkey and Greece with my family! If I have any free time, I want to work out and go on at least a few adventures with my friends!
7. What’s your favorite spot on campus? 

My favorite spot is the outdoor patio on the third floor of the Physics & Astronomy Building. It’s secret and quiet!

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