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Campus Cutie: Max Wiederholt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.


Name: Max Wiederholt
Year: Second Year
Major: Political Science
Relationship Status: Apparently “married to a kitten” if my roommates have recently changed my facebook.

What activities/clubs are you involved in here at UCLA?
Mock Trial, Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity

What’s your favorite UCLA memory?
Beating SC in this year’s football game

What do you want to do once you graduate?
Beat SC grads in court (preferably as a lawyer, not the defendant)

Describe your perfect date. (Ladies, you’re in for a treat!)
Early breakfast in Paris. It’s really pretty in the morning, before everyone wakes up. Kind of a surreal mist. And everyone speaks French, which is an added bonus. Hopefully my date speaks French, because I don’t think counting to 20 will get us very far.

What qualities would your dream girl have?
Funny and smarter than me. Rich enough to fly us to Paris.

If you could go anywhere in the world (other than Paris), where would it be and why?
China, Japan or India. The cultures seem spectacularly different from ours, and I would love to see what their cities are like.

What would you consider to be your guilty pleasure?
College. It’s basically four years of guilty pleasure. Or five years, depending on how guilty you make it.

Who are your celebrity crushes?
Emma Watson, Emma Stone, Shannon Woodward

Color: Blue
Music Genre: Anything that sounds good loud
Artist/Band: Macklemore
Food: In N Out
Movie: 500 Days of Summer
Place to hang out on campus: Lambda Chi’s house   

UCLA '15 Major: Psychobiology Hometown: San Jose
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