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Campus Cutie: Ilina Punja

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.


Name: Ilina Punja
Year:  Second Year
Major: Mechanical Engineering (hmm pretty and smart?! WINNING)
Relationship Status: Single

What clubs/extracurricular activities are you involved with at UCLA?
UCLA Baja SAE (a student engineering club which aims to build an off-road racing vehicle) and a sorority, Gamma Phi Beta.

What’s your favorite thing about UCLA?
I like that everyone here is very focused and academically driven, but at the same time everyone knows how to have fun. I also like that despite UCLA being such a big school, a lot of people know each other and it often feels like a much smaller community than it is.

Do you have any plans for after graduation?
Hopefully either go on to pursue a masters in engineering, or work at an engineering company.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I love to go into Westwood with my friends, or even by myself, and I also really like going shopping in Santa Monica

Describe your perfect date. (Boys, listen up!)
I prefer things traditional, so the classic dinner and a movie is perfect for me.

What do you look for in a guy?
Driven, NICE, and of course being cute doesn’t hurt.

If you could anywhere in the world right, where would you go and why?
New York City, because I’ve never been there but have always wanted to visit and see what it’s like.

Who’s your celebrity crush?
Ryan Gosling, David Beckham, Ryan Lochte


Favorite color?
Favorite music artist?
I don’t think I have a favorite, I’m pretty varied in my music interests, but Coldplay, Drake, and Taylor Swift are a few of my favorites
Favorite food?
Boba, Mexican Food, anything spicy
Favorite movie?
The Notebook, Atonement, The Lion King
Favorite place to shop?
Forever 21
Favorite place to hang out on campus?
Kerckhoff Coffee House, or reading magazines in Ackerman

UCLA '15 Major: Psychobiology Hometown: San Jose
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