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Campus Celebrity: Neha Reddy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.
Name: Neha Reddy
Major: Business Economics
Year: 2nd Year 
What activities are you involved with on campus?

I am a reporter for the Daily Bruin Radio, Director of Finance for Project Rishi (a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the sustainable development and growth of rural Indian communities), Director of Cultural Affairs for Indus (the Pan-South Asian organization on campus that promotes unity and awareness about South Asia on campus), and a dancer on UCLA Nashaa (UCLA’s competitive Hindi Film dance team).  

Which activity do you find the most fulfilling?
I do not necessarily have a favorite or “most fulfilling” activity. I have joined each one after careful consideration. I participate in each one because I am passionate about the work I am doing. Hopefully if I am passionate about what I am doing, I will also be successful at it. I do not take my activities lightly or as optional; a commitment is a commitment. My activities make me feel as though I am contributing to the UCLA community and it is fulfilling to be able to participate in a variety of activities all at once.
What’s your dream job?
My dream job is as either an economic or accounting consultant. Economics, management, and business are all extremely interesting subjects to me, I love traveling and would prefer to be in a field in which I am interacting with people.
If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
If I could be anyone for a day I would be Mindy Kaling, as weird as that may sound. She is hilarious, smart, independent and is confident in herself without caring what anyone else has to say. I admire her ability to break through societal molds and pressures while inspiring people to go after their dreams and not take no for an answer. 
What’s your favorite memory at UCLA? 
My favorite memory at UCLA thus far is participating in the Indian Student Union’s culture show last year and choreographing the freshman dance. It was fun and a great way to finish off my amazing freshman year at UCLA. I met some great people and got to have a good time dancing too super old Indian songs in sparkly costumes. 
Where do you see yourself 5 years from now
Five years from now, I see myself as independent and (hopefully) successful in whatever job I have. I am also obsessed with the idea of living in a fast-paced city such as New York or London. I see myself as financially stable with the same passion and drive to reach my full potential and contribute to my community.


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