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American Idol – at UCLA!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

One of the greatest things about belonging to such a big school are the numerous events that happen daily; from student plays, to workshops hosted by Student Programming, and lectures by professors on their work, UCLA has pretty much any activity a girl can ask for. Starting from week 1 (hooray for being back at school… NOT!), UCLA has bagged the premiere of season 12 of American Idol. That’s right, Royce Hall hosted the first screening of a series of premieres across 11 cities amongst ecstatic fans. 


So what exactly was it like going to the event? Well, I didn’t personally go, but the lengthy line stretching all the way down the stairs to the field gave a clear indication of how popular the show was! Later on on Facebook, friends posted excited statuses and photos of the waiting, as well as the photos from the premiere! One such student, Dulce Joachin, said that “by what I saw I think that it is going to be an interesting season.” One of the majorly cool parts was “[seeing] it before everyone else,” and of course seeing coveted celebrities up close. It was incredible how near the students were to host Ryan Seacrest and judges Nikki Minaj, Mariah Carey, Keith Urban, and Randy Jackson. “After the screening the judges came out along with Ryan Seacrest and answered questions,” Dulce expands. “Oh and also, this one chick from Kiss FM radio was like the intro person.”


What was the greatest part about the screening of American Idol? Excited students who met the celebrities jump up to answer that it was amazing to see their inspirations up close and personal. “I liked it,” Dulce says. “… it was a fun experience having the opportunity to be part of a live recording for free.” So for everybody out there, looking for things to do, make sure not to miss any of the incredible chances UCLA gives you. Whether it’s on the UCLA Happenings site, the “Celebrity Sightings at UCLA” facebook page, or word of mouth, go out and have fun with the occasions on campus.

Her Campus at UCLA is a proud Elite Level Chapter in the Her Campus. Our team consists of talented writers, content creators, photographers, designers, event planners and more! Follow us @HerCampusUCLA and check out HerCampus.com/school/UCLA for more articles! Feel free to contact us at hc.ucla@hercampus.com for any questions.