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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

With Valentine’s Day, and Galentine’s Day coming up, I feel like everyone starts to think more about the relationships in their lives. Even though Valentine’s Day is most widely meant for celebrating your significant other, I feel like we should celebrate it regardless of relationship status. I mean, why not celebrate a day dedicated to telling people you love them? I don’t want this to sound like I’m some bitter, single girl or whatever but friends are just as important as a significant other, maybe more so in my opinion. 

Growing up, my friends were a lifeline for me; they were people I could just be happy with and be myself with. They were also a good way for me to not have to be in my house, but that’s a whole different article. What I’m trying to say is that you should always tell your friends you love them, or show it in your own way, but Valentine’s Day, or Galentine’s in this case, is a day dedicated to doing just that. It’s showing appreciation for your friends holding your hair back after a night out, getting you lunch when they know you’re in the middle of a marathon study session or letting you borrow their favorite shirt even though you stained it the last time you wore it. It’s for letting you rant about the same hookup for the millionth time even though they already told you to break it off and for just being there for you when you need them. 

Obviously, friendships aren’t always easy—no relationship is—but they’re an important part of life. My Zoloft dosage would be five times higher if I didn’t feel like I had people I could rely on. Of course, it isn’t always particularly easy to make friends, and college can be a really easy place to feel isolated in. I’ve definitely felt like it would just be easier to focus solely on school and just hang out in my room by myself for the next couple of years until I graduate. I was wrong, though. People need other people. 

Anyway, if you have a significant other this Galentine’s Day, kudos. If you don’t, just maintain that Valentine’s Day was created by Hallmark and capitalism to sell things. Either way, don’t forget to tell your friends you love them this Galentine’s Day. Or tell them today, it’s up to you. Just remember that they’re a big reason you’re going to live longer.

Leila is from New York City and is a second-year Statistics major at UCLA. When she's not looking for article ideas for HC UCLA, she can be found at the beach with a book or finding fun places around LA!