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8 Emotional Stages Everyone Experiences After Submitting Your College Applications

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

1. Relief

You’re done with your application and those tedious, difficult essay questions.


2. Emptiness

Depending on if you paid for the schools you’ve applied to, you probably feel several hundred dollars short of pocket dough. So much for that college savings account.


3. Slight Panic

You realize you may have forgotten to include something or you inputted something incorrectly into your application so you email and contact Admissions just to make sure everything is safe and sound.


4. Indifference

You’ve likely gone with the flow of your school activities and normal routine. You realize that you applied and paid for your applications only to choose one school, but you don’t care because decisions don’t come out for awhile. 


5. Jealousy

It’s around January and February and you’ve already returned from your school’s winter vacation. At this point, several classmates have already received college decisions and you can’t help but be under the green-eyed monster because you realize that UC decisions don’t come until mid- to late-March.


6. Impatience

It’s March and you know decisions come out soon, but not soon enough. Senior activities and standardized exam dates are soon approaching and you still don’t have a decision yet.


7. Anxiety

It’s about that time to receive decisions and you keep logging into the decisions portal to no avail.


8. More Panic

You get an email from one of the UC’s you have applied to, click the indicated link to their decisions portal, type in your login info and . . .

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Joss Glenn is a student at UCLA who is majoring in Theatre and minoring in Neuroscience, Spanish, and French and studies computer programming, math, and fashion design on her own for fun (SAY WHAT???) She is a humanist at heart and writes code, short stories, poems, songs, novels, and movie/TV scripts. She is the lead blogger and founder of Funky Nurd.
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