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5 Ways I’m Embracing My Inner Rory Gilmore this Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Living in southern California, getting into a fall mood can be difficult. Honestly, without apple trees or pumpkin patches, I never reached my full autumn potential last year (I had a mental breakdown in my dorm stairwell because the leaves weren’t changing color). But after aggressively binge-watching Gilmore Girls for the first time this summer, I can confidently say that I am newly equipped to embrace the fall, even if the weather isn’t crisp and orange. So, here are five ways I am embracing my inner Rory Gilmore this fall: 

Literally Visiting Stars Hollow

The Warner Bro’s standard studio tour brings guests fully onto the set of Gilmore Girls. While sometimes during the holiday season there are special events to stay and linger in Stars Hollow, I feel like fall is the best time to immerse yourself in the Northeastern small town. So, I am planning to grab a coffee and pretend it’s from Luke’s as I stroll the streets of my dream town. 

Starting the Gilmore Girls Book List

Even if Rory doesn’t always have the best taste in men (besides Logan, of course) she does have immaculate taste in movies and books. Covering all the classics, I’m challenging myself to become as well-educated as Rory Gilmore, referencing this list of books mentioned in the series. Obviously, I can’t get to them all this fall but I’m going to try to start, and maybe I’ll even write notes in the margins like Jess did.

Becoming a Movie Guru

Between reading the hundreds of books on that list, I’m going to break it up with some of the classics and some of the hilariously bad movies mentioned in the series as well. I’m planning to order a disgusting amount of take out, just like Lorelai and Rory, and try to make a dent in this list of 463 movies. I hate scary movies, so this will be my replacement this Halloween season. 

Creating a Cozy, Crisp Soundtrack

For every new phase of my life, I find myself creating a playlist to set the mood. This fall, the playlist for this phase of my life is titled “Pretending I am prancing around Stars Hollow with Sookie and Lane.” This playlist contains heavy features from the Lumineers, Lana del Ray, Lizzie McAlpine and of course “All Too Well” (Taylor’s Version) (10 Minute Version) (From the Vault) (Sad Girl Autumn Version). I encourage you to throw on a sweater and use your own taste to curate the perfect fall playlist. 

Literally Being Rory Gilmore for Halloween 

Before coming to school, I visited my local thrift store and bought a blue blazer and plaid skirt that mimics a Chilton uniform. I’m going to create a Luke’s coffee sleeve and drink out of a coffee cup all night while rocking some ridiculous knee socks and a Yale shirt (I’m still deciding between a Harvard shirt and a Yale shirt because I don’t know which would be more historically accurate). 

Although some of these are literal and some of them don’t even relate to the series directly, the point is that I’ve already added “Rory” to my baby name list. Gilmore Girls fills me with the same nostalgia that autumn does, and these are just five of the ways that I’m making the most of that feeling.

Katy is a first year communications major at UCLA originally from Pennsylvania! She enjoys baking, Taylor Swift, and lifting :)