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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Spooky season is finally here, which means it is time to stream all the classic Halloween movies from It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown to Halloweentown. However, for people who want to get into the spooky season but have limited time, sitcoms are the way to go. There is something about holiday themed episodes that make good sitcoms so much fun. Here are my all-time favorite Halloween episodes:

Friends: “The One With The Halloween Party”


Anyone who knows me knows that I can watch any holiday episode of Friends a million times over and still be obsessed. With Chandler dressing up as a pretty pink bunny and Ross going for a more educational costume – “Spud-nik” (essentially a potato with silver antennas on his head) – what’s not to love? While the costumes themselves are hilarious, the overall plot is also funny and so wholesome, filled with arm wrestling and trick-or-treaters. If you’re not feeling the scary vibes this Halloween, “The One with the Halloween Party” is the episode to watch

Where to watch: HBO

The Office: “Halloween”


While literally all episodes of The Office are absolutely hilarious, this Halloween episode definitely takes the crown (at least for this month). The episode starts off with corporate forcing Michael, who is dressed as a two-headed version of himself, to fire someone by the end of the day. As the day passes, Michael unsuccessfully attempts to fire people in the office. At the same time, Pam and Jim team up for a hilarious prank on Dwight. There is also an amazing Creed moment in this episode!

Where to watch: Netflix

How I Met Your Mother: “The Slutty Pumpkin Returns”

Ten years ago, Ted met his dream girl (dressed as a slutty pumpkin) at a Halloween party, but lost her number, which was attached to a Kit Kat bar. Ten years later, they finally reunite and go on the most hilariously uncomfortable date. In the meantime, Barney refuses to accept his 10% Canadian blood, dressing up incredibly American for a Halloween party. You will literally be laughing throughout this entire episode! 

Where to watch: Hulu

Full House: Divorce Court

Full House is such a classic and their Halloween episodes are no different. Making a plan is very difficult for every feuding family, and the Tanners are no different. In this episode, our beloved family of unique personalities has trouble deciding on their Halloween plans, causing a “divorce” in their family. It is such a realistic and comedic take on Halloween Day.

Where to watch: Hulu

Pretty Little Liars: “The First Secret”

Pretty Little Liars isn’t really a sitcom, but I wanted to include a spookier Halloween episode and this show definitely takes the bait. This episode is essentially a flashback to before the notorious “A” showed up in the Liars’ lives. However, there are subtle hints that show that maybe “A” has been around for longer than they thought. What’s more spooky than a murder mystery this Halloween? 

Where to watch: HBO

 If you’re not the scary movie type of person, these sitcoms are the perfect fit for you! From crazy costumes and arm wrestling, to spooky relationships and a two-headed Steve Carell, what else can you ask for this Halloween? 

Eva Kaganovsky is a fourth year Psychobiology major and Food studies minor on the pre-health path. She is very passionate about nutrition, health, and sustainability. In her free time, you can catch Eva practicing yoga, singing extremely off key, drinking (way too much) coffee, or laughing with friends. Follow Eva's caffeine-fueled life on instagram @evaa.kay
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