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4 TV Shows I Watch Over and Over Again (TV Rewatchers Unite)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

I must admit, often I don’t opt to watch a new show but instead I choose a random episode from a series I’ve already watched. I’m not quite sure if it’s the comforting familiarity or the fact that I don’t have to pay close attention that draws me in; perhaps it’s both. If you need a new show to binge, or maybe a reminder of an old favorite to rewatch, here are my top picks:

Parks and Recreation

Honestly, this might be one of my favorite shows of all time. You wouldn’t think a mockumentary style show following a county parks and recreation department would be anything special, but it just is. A lot of shows tend to get worse towards the end (more on this later), in my opinion. The great thing about Parks and Rec, however, is that it’s hilarious until the very end. It’s also one of the very few shows where every single character is funny (usually there’s that one random character I can’t stand, but not here). Specifically, I have watched the episode “The Comeback Kid” too many times to count and that ice rink scene still brings me to tears.

The Office

Okay, I love a mockumentary style show (in the words of Michael Scott, sue me). Is there anyone at this point that hasn’t seen The Office? When I need something to put on in the background while I clean or fold laundry, I literally choose any episode. With there being an episode themed to most holidays, there’s seriously an episode of The Office for any occasion. Though, I have to admit, my most watched episode is definitely “Fun Run.”


I am unashamed to admit I’m a “gleek.” Glee is one of those shows that is so bad, it ends up being addicting. Between the numerous musical numbers per show and the rage sparked in me by Rachel Berry and Will Schuester, this show is just mind-numbing enough to be great. That being said, it gets kind of unwatchable during the last season, so maybe skip that.  

How I Met Your Mother

Can you tell I like sitcoms? I feel like those are the best for mindless rewatching. To be honest, I have no interest in the spin-off, but the OG How I Met Your Mother is a classic. It has that fun “friends in New York City” vibe, while being funnier than Friends (yes, I said that). I don’t care for the ending of the show, but any episode featuring the slap bet or Robin Sparkles is guaranteed to be a good one. 

My mood largely dictates my TV watching decisions. While it’s fun to switch things up, it can be actually so comforting to return to an old favorite.

Lily is a third year Political Science major at UCLA from Sarasota, FL. In her free time, she loves binge-watching sitcoms, listening to music, and finding new coffee shops.