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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

There’s nothing quite as entertaining as taking a gander through Twitter at the end of a long day. My perusal of the app has expanded from its once small collection of miscellaneous meme accounts to include a multi-weekly checkup on the hilarious, albeit slightly alarming, UX/UI ideas Soren Iverson (@soren_iverson) treats us to. A designer by day, Iverson has created over 100 mockups of potential changes to apps and platforms we use every day. The following are some of my favorites, and though I don’t know that they would all provide enhancements to my daily life, they would make things more interesting for sure.

Flight Fright

Though this list is in no particular order, I had to put my favorite one first. Despite usually being slightly more anal than the average person when it comes to picking plane seats, I don’t think I’m alone when I say I need this ASAP. There is little that makes me as irrationally irritated as the person in front of me on a six-plus hour flight reclining their seat all the way back. Every time, I tell myself to speak up and ask them to move their seat forward and every time, I feel bad or chicken out. No longer. My money would be much better spent on sticking it to the person in front of me than an hour of wifi that barely connects.

Where Is Our Money?

To be fair, this would probably inform at least half of the country, if not more, that their taxes are going directly to the military. Regardless, this could create increased transparency in government and could encourage civilians to engage further in local and national elections, in addition to providing ways to put more trust in our government officials.  

See How Much Time You Spent in Traffic

I would make one alteration and ask for this data based not only on driven, but walked, bussed and biked distance as well. I’d love to know if I spent more time at class than work or at friends’ houses or certain restaurants. I feel like this update would bring a couple privacy concerns, especially considering the immense use of consumer data by corporations, but in an ideal world, I would be really excited at the end of the year to find out everywhere I went and how I got there.

Forget You Have IBS? No Fear.

As someone who consistently cannot figure out what makes their stomach hurt, this is my Super Bowl. Multiple times I have re-ordered something I’d had and didn’t like and multiple times I have felt quite upset about the fact that I am in my third decade of life and can’t always keep thorough track of what I can and can’t eat. This update is for hot girls with stomach problems. 

No One Wanted To Be Here Anyway

There is little more mind-numbing than a meeting everyone wishes they had called out of. No silence is more awkward and no conversation is more stilted. This enhancement would prevent that. Would we ever have meetings? No, probably not. It’s not like a large majority of meetings couldn’t be emails anyway. And on that note, bring back casual emailing, too. 

Mike Goes Too Far

I don’t have a ton of critical insight into this one. I just think it’s hilarious and would probably taste as bad as the rotten egg jellybean in Beanboozled. There’s also just something about it being in a reusable bag that makes it a little classy. We probably don’t need this– everyone is suffering enough– but I couldn’t not try it if it existed.

Iverson has a book coming out quite soon, full of these ideas and more. Until then, I will continue to refresh my Twitter feed daily and wait patiently for more ideas I desperately wish existed but probably never will. He takes requests, too. Maybe I’ll send one.

Leila is from New York City and is a second-year Statistics major at UCLA. When she's not looking for article ideas for HC UCLA, she can be found at the beach with a book or finding fun places around LA!