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Oscar Rivera ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.

Name: Oscar Rivera

Year: 4th

Hometown: Chicago, IL
Why philosophy?
Because I wanted to be able to contemplate the metaphysical implications of whenever I say, “Would you like fries with that?” But seriously, I’ve always been a very curious person and wanted to tackle ‘hard questions’, and since I’ve never been good at math, physics, or just any science in general, I settled for philosophy. It’s also pretty interesting.
Favorite philosopher and why?
While I don’t necessarily agree with everything these philosophers put forth, I would have to say my two favorites are Hume and Descartes; Hume for the very banal reason of him being sort of the foundation of Empiricism, and Descartes for his thoughts on mind-body dualism and its impact on future philosophical theories like Idealism.
Classic annoying question: What are you going to do with a Philosophy degree?
If I do pursue any kind of profession in the realm of philosophy, I think I would very much like to write or even become some sort of public figure; you know, just because I like to hear myself talk as much as possible.
If you were a philosopher, what would you wear as an outfit?
 I’m a big fan of top hats and monocles, so I’ll go with that. Or, I would desperately try to look like Ryan Gosling in a suit…
 Let’s say you compiled one of your philosophical theories into a book. What would the title be?
I suppose this a more serious question. I guess since one of my main interests is morality, I would like to write a book on morality; something with a scintillating title like A Philosophical Treatise on Morality.

What philosophical pick-up line would you use?
I only know a couple philosophically-oriented pick-up lines that only work if you know the theories behind them, but I think my favorite is (playing on ontological arguments): “You’re the greatest conceivable being, baby. I’m glad you exist.” And then I’d seductively wink.
 Finally, why do we exist?
This really isn’t fair since this is such a complex question, but I’d have to say that we exist to live.

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Annie Pei

U Chicago

Annie is a Political Science major at the University of Chicago who not only writes for Her Campus, but is also one of Her Campus UChicago's Campus Correspondents. She also acts as Editor-In-Chief of Diskord, an online op-ed publication based on campus, and as an Arts and Culture Co-Editor for the university's new Undergraduate Political Review. When she's not busy researching, writing, and editing articles, Annie can be found pounding out jazz choreography in a dance room, furiously cheering on the Vancouver Canucks, or around town on the lookout for new places, people, and things. This year, Annie is back in DC interning with Voice of America once again!
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Jessica Ro

U Chicago

Jessica Ro is a third-year Public Policy student originally from Santa Monica, California, a city just west of Los Angeles. Jessica joined Her Campus because she loved the concept of reaching out specifically to college-aged females through writing.