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Work Hard, Play Harder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Straight from your internship to class and even to have a few cocktails, this business casual look goes straight from day to night. This fashionista rocked this look. With the added color of the maroon scarf and the mismatching of black slacks with a white blazer, it really doesn’t get any better than this. White blazers have made their way back, and the way this fashionista incorporated it into this look couldn’t get more perfect. I loved everything about this look to the wavy hair all the way down to the black ballet flats. Finishing the look, I can’t help but notice her candy apple red laptop case, which completes her on-the-go ensemble. If you are looking at ways to go straight from the office to class, get inspiration from this fashionista’s look.