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Why You Should See Frozen (Again)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

When news of Disney’s Frozen first arose, critics began raving. The Daily Beast even referred to it as “the best animated movie since the Lion King.” Not only is Frozen the best movie since the Lion King, it is also one of the most relatable animated films that Disney has ever created.

This movie quite literally blew me away and melted my heart in the classical, magical way that Disney intends to do through all of their films. There are so many elements of this movie that made me fall in love, and although at times it could get a bit cheesy, there was not one second of this movie that I did not thoroughly enjoy.

The first element that truly stuck out to me was the character progression throughout the story. Anna has a slightly awkward demeanor, but as the movie progresses, she progresses with it and becomes the heroine of the story. Also, the loyalty that Olaf shows to Anna near the end when he says, “Some people are worth melting for” melted millions of hearts and forced audiences everywhere to fall in love with the silly talking snowman.

Not only were the characters a large factor in this movie, but the music is stupefying as well. Every song is so catchy, and I have found myself listening to the soundtrack on Spotify more than once. The great thing about the music in this film is that it is so raw and full of emotion that it leaves you with chills down your spine and tears in your eyes.

The animation was mind boggling as well. Parts of the animation were so enthralling that you could not pull your eyes away. The scene that sticks out to me the most is Elsa’s Let It Go. It’s amazing to see how technology elevates over the years, making it feel like you’re there.

Finally, the storyline in this film is typically what draws you in from the very beginning. Even with the story being slightly princess related, this movie is so easily relatable for anyone, ages 1-100. Yes, Frozen is technically a “princess movie.” But while most animated movies have you rooting for the hero/heroine’s happily ever after, Frozen has you pining for the reunion of two sisters. Also, Olaf and Sven tend to lighten the mood in this emotion-filled movie, and giving children something to look forward to.

If you haven’t seen Frozen, obviously it’s highly, highly recommended. And if you’ve already seen it, what’s another ten bucks?