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Why Volunteering in College is So Important

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Now that you’ve made it to college, it’s no longer required to have 100 service hours or volunteer with an organization to be able to graduate. You may not think it’s necessary to keep up with your volunteering or giving back now that it’s no longer a written statement or an ultimatum, but is anything we commit ourselves to in college or become involved with either?

Volunteering is an amazing opportunity and one that most people brush aside. There are so many different causes and issues you can give your time, your money, and your efforts to; from animal awareness, to youth, and there is bound to be something that interests you. You can be a part of something you enjoy while helping others and making your community a better place and giving your generation a better name.

Maybe I’m sounding a bit dramatic, however, volunteering offers so many rewards… not only to the people or organization that you may be helping, but also to you as a person. Because of this reason and many others, I’m here to tell you why volunteering should be a priority and not a second choice, especially when you are in your collegiate years.


You learn to be selfless.

By volunteering, you will learn to not only give your time and energy to a social issue or civic cause, but you will also realize that there are bigger things than just what is going on in your small world. It helps you to realize that you may be just one person, but you can be the start to making a difference and that it is important to help others as much as you can. There are too many people and causes that need help for people to stand idly by and become immersed in themselves and volunteering in itself will help with creating a shift in mentality towards selflessness instead of self-involvement.

You gain so many connections.

Not only do you make connections with others you may be volunteering at a site with, but also the organization you are volunteering with. You can gain friendly connections, business connections and connections for the future. You can join a volunteering club or volunteer at a site regularly and utilize these opportunities as resources to meet new people, gain new experiences and become a well-rounded person.


You learn about your local community. 

You will learn about the matters and issues that are important to your local community and what the people you live with and around are passionate about. You can meet individuals and residents in your area and get to know the people that live there. By having the opportunity to volunteer, you can see the different areas of your community, the different people of your community and the different causes.

You gain values and morals that will guide you throughout life.

By having the opportunity to volunteer, you will realize what is truly important and what qualities and characteristics you should hold. Volunteering by helping others in times of need, giving your time to an organization or simply showing you care will help you to put values and ideals that are bigger than yourself to work.


It helps you realize you are fortunate.

Giving your time to a particular cause will remind you that you are blessed and that you can always give more. Just a little bit more time or effort can provide someone with something they may not have otherwise had or simply give someone else the opportunity to have human contact and compassion.

It makes you realize that you need to appreciate what you do have.

Nothing can make you remember that you should be fortunate for what you already have than seeing someone with far less than you or even nothing. Being able to help and remembering that you would want someone to do the same for you can be eye-opening.

It helps you discover what is important to you and who you are.

Being someone who volunteers will help you find what is important to you as someone who is trying to find themselves. Helping others and putting your heart into a social issue can assist you in discovering what you want out of life and out of yourself.

It distracts you from the constant immediacy of technology.

Sometimes it is just a good thing to get away from the ever present forms of social media, communication and technology. We need to take a break, recharge and focus on what is really happening in the world.

It helps you stay present.

There is nothing compared to volunteering as far as realizing where you are and what you are doing. Volunteering will help you stay present and appreciate the moment you are currently in.

It opens many doors.

You will find a number of opportunities through volunteering whether it be an internship, a new connection, a leadership position or involvement in an organization. You can discover an opportunity for a future job or gain new insights and contacts in your community.


Volunteering is important, even once it’s no longer a “requirement” and I hope that you will be able to discover this on your own time by becoming involved in something you love.

I am a writing and rhetoric major at the University of Central Florida and I really love tacos and pugs (the dog breed). I am a writer for Her Campus UCF and have been writing since I was eight years old :). My great grandfather won the Pulitzer Prize so I have some big shoes to fill.
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