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Why Valentine’s Day Isn’t So Bad After All

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Every year when February rolls around, the world divides into two groups: those who love Valentine’s Day and those who hate it. People in relationships start brainstorming grand romantic gestures, and Singles stock up on wine and movies. Every Pinterest board is either filled with “DIY Valentine’s Day Gifts for Bae” or “20 Reasons Why Valentine’s Day Isn’t Even a Real Holiday ” 

It’s easy to see where the Valentine-Haters are coming from. A day devoted entirely to showering your significant other with gifts sounds like the plotline of a bad romantic comedy. But who said Valentine’s Day had to be about romance? I say it should be about all kinds of love. 

February 14th is the only day every year that prompts us to stop and think about the people we love. For one day, we are encouraged to focus solely on loving others and being loved. Love your boyfriend, love your dog, love yourself! Whether you’re giving it or getting it, love is pretty great. Maybe, every day should be a little more like Valentine’s Day. The more love, the merrier, right?

This Valentine’s Day, regardless of your relationship status, spread the love. Overwhelm your heart with care and appreciation. It’s the perfect day to think about calling your long distance BFF, going to lunch with your mom, or sending flowers to your grandparents. Then, finish off a bottle of wine with your best friends (you don’t want to waste all that wine). Most importantly, don’t let anyone forget how much they are loved. No matter how you choose to celebrate this day of love, make sure it is just that: a day of love.

Photo credit: Image 1, Image 2

UCF Contributor