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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

A few months back I was scrolling mindlessly on TikTok as one does, when the same ad kept popping up every so often. It was a promotion for an app that had recently launched called Official. About the third or fourth time it popped up I really took a look at the app, after all the TikTok algorithm was normally pretty spot on. The app proclaimed it was “made for couples” and immediately I was influenced.

New to the world of relationships, I decided to download the app on a whim. I immediately was given a link to send to my partner which linked our accounts. I was hooked. As I played with the app and looked into the different settings what jumped out at me was the way that this app could truly allow my relationship to flourish. There were several unique features that have pushed me to remain an avid user of Official to this day.

Here’s all the fun benefits of the app!

Love Buttons

Love buttons allow you to instantaneously send your partner a message letting them know you are thinking of them. Message options include “I Need Attention”, “Send Hug or Kiss”, “Let’s Dip”, and “I’m in the mood.”

Intimacy section

The intimacy section is a swiping feature. Swipe right for yes, left for no, and up for maybe. You are asked questions about anything involving intimacy, and from the way you swipe you and your partner can view your matches. Especially when in a new relationship, it can be scary to ask for what you want in the bedroom. This is an easy way to see what your partner is comfortable with, and it may spark conversations about what you would be open to trying in the future.


Quizzes range from topics including “Lifestyle & Values” to “Study & Work”. It is crucial that you truly understand the person you are with. Whether it be a tough conversation like politics or a little fun fact like their favorite animal, to know someone is to love them. For me and my partner, these quizzes presented a fun little challenge that brought out our competitive side.

Set current mood

When I’m having a bad day, the last thing I want to do is take it out on my significant other. Official allows you to set your mood and change it at any point throughout the day. This feature sends your partner a notification any time your mood status changes. It’s a simple way to tell them your mood and maybe prompt conversations about why you’re feeling a certain way.

The daily question

My personal favorite feature within the app is the daily question. Everchanging and unpredictable these questions are designed to have both parties answer and then reveal the responses. Through these questions, I feel I have been able to know my partner more intimately, and what he stands for, and begin to plan for our future. 

I find myself to be living proof that sometimes TikTok spam ads can be worth it in the long run. Since downloading Official I have found myself stronger in myself and my relationship. Knowing your partner fully takes years, but having prompts for both tough and fun conversations is absolutely essential in keeping the spark alive and thriving. So what are you waiting for? Download Official, your partner will thank you!

Ava Jessum is a writer for Her Campus UCF! She is currently a freshman majoring in Journalism. You can most commonly find her reading, listening to music, and visiting her two puppies (Skippy & Ruby). In the future Ava hopes to pursue a career as a broadcast journalist and can see herself working anywhere within the country. Her interests include travel, social dynamics, and criminal justice.