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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I’ll admit it took me a hot minute to watch The Bold Type once the first season came out, but once I did, I fell in love with it after just a couple of episodes. It’s a female-led series that follows three best friends — Kat, Sutton and Jane — who live in New York City and work for the fictional “Scarlet Magazine.” Here’s why it should be the next TV show you watch.

It deals with pressing issues in today’s society.

Whether it be the characters speaking out against sexual assault, racism and sexism, or actively trying to make changes in the community, the show deals with several issues present in today’s society. However, it doesn’t stop there. The characters also learn more about relevant issues, recognize their possible privilege, and when needed, make amends.

It offers perspective on what it’s like to work at a magazine.

Since Scarlet Magazine is based on Cosmopolitan magazine, and the show is inspired by the life and career of former Editor-in-Chief of Joanna Coles, the show offers great insight into what it looks like to work for a magazine. From pitching articles to publishing them, and from advertising board meetings to fashion board meetings, you see the entire process of writing an article and how all the departments of the magazine operate.

It showcases a beautiful friendship.

Something that I really like about this show is the beautiful friendship Jane, Kat and Sutton have. No matter what problem life throws at them, they get through it together and always have each other to lean on. Whether it be a work issue, family drama or health problems, they always come together and support each other.

It has an amazing fashion closet.

Jane, Kat and Sutton have their own secret meetup space in Scarlet Magazine’s fashion closet, where they go when they need to talk and take a break from work. Though this may seem like an insignificant reason to watch the show, several scenes are actually shot here, and trust me, the closet is absolutely stunning. It’s huge, colorful, and home to several designer clothes, shoes and accessories.

It inspires and motivates you to pursue your dreams.

As you see Kat, Sutton and Jane face their various problems, work hard and come out victorious, you begin to see that you can do just the same. I’ve been watching this show for quite a while now and every time I finish an episode, I feel inspired to go after what I want. 

I highly recommend watching The Bold Type if you are looking for a new TV show to watch. It offers a great take on feminism and features inspiring characters.

All of the seasons are currently available for streaming on Hulu at a rate of only $1.99 per month for students.

John Medland / Universal Television

Lindsey is a senior majoring in Advertising and Public Relations with a double minor in Writing and Rhetoric and Mass Culture and Collective Behavior at University of Central Florida. She hopes to pursue a career in marketing, advertising or pubic relations one day. Most of the time she can be found studying around campus or hanging out with friends. In her free time, she loves to travel, cook, and go to theme parks.
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