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Trends the HC UCF Team Loves

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I know all of you have something you can’t stop obsessing over; the Her Campus UCF team is no different. With all of our unique personalities, you can bet we all love different trends every month.

Here is a look inside what your favorite authors to die for obsessions are this month! 

Sara has been obsessing over finding a New York City summer internship.

Jara can’t live without OPI’s “Parlez-vous” OPI nail polish.

Kelsi has been reading, and rereading, the newest issue of Elle while wearing the new line of Katy Perry nail polish.

Kelli never leaves home without her Tervis Tumbler.

Vince loves Rolling Stone magazine and always dreams of working for them.

Jackie is always on her Android playing “Pulse Reader.”

Allison is all about Tweeting.

Leisy has been spending all her money this month at Anthropologie.

Ally can be spotted around campus in flower print tops and dresses.

Sweeney is still on a Spring Break high and loving tequila shots with sugar and oranges.

Andrea is supporting her Miami Heat.

Steph is always playing “Words with Friends.”

Chelsey has been wearing oversized clothes around campus.

Natalie always has a bottle of Dragonfruit Vitamin Water in hand.

Jonny is rocking his Vlado shoes, which are a new shoe brand based in California.

Alexa loves her new nude pumps.

Jessica can’t survive the day without a Venti Cafe Vanilla Frappacino from Starbucks.

Kacey can be seen wearing “San Tan-tonio” from the OPI Texas collection for Spring/Summer 2011.

Meg has the songs from Maroon 5’s “Hands All Over” album on repeat.

Selina loves any pastel colored nail polish especially Essie’s St. Tropez line.

Justin can’t get enough Astronomy in his life this month; you can find him searching for Nebulas and Stellar formations.

It is safe to say that many of you are obsessing over the same trends. If you weren’t before, I’m sure you’re looking out for some of them now. Stay tuned for next month’s Her Campus UCF team fun facts.