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Top 5 Must See Scary Movies This Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Not a year goes by that I don’t look forward to Halloween. Not because of the costume parties and haunted houses, but for the scary movies that come out for this dark holiday. Scary movies have evolved over the years from Jason to the Saw series. Now it seems the trend is “the paranormal,” all started by a low-budget film that had viewers on the edge of their seats. So to get you collegiettes in the mood for Halloween, I have found the top 5 must-see scary movies this season. Enjoy.

5. Smiley

Smiley is about a girl named Ashley who discovers a serial killer that wears nothing but a carved “smiley” on his face and who is summoned through the Internet. Ashley begins wondering if she is actually being stalked by Smiley or if she is just going insane. Not to mention, YouTube sensation Shane Dawson makes his Hollywood debut in this film. Check out the trailer here: http://smileymovie.com/

4. House at the End of the Street
This psychological thriller is about a mother (Sarah) and daughter (Elissa) who move to what seems to be a charming new town. But soon things turn sour when they begin to uncover the dark secrets the town holds. In the house next door, a daughter killed her parents and left her brother (Ryan), never to be found again. But, against her mother’s wishes, Elissa begins seeing Ryan and things take a turn for the worse.

3. The Possession

Based on a true story, The Possession is about a girl named Emily who finds a mysterious box at a yard sale that contains a dark secret. When she begins to act strange, Emily’s parents turn to professors and priests to see what connection the box has with their daughter’s bizarre behavior. But by the time they find out it’s possessed by demons, it’s too late. Watch the trailer: http://thepossessionmovie.com/index.html#/home

2. Paranormal Activity 4
Either you love it or you hate it. When it comes to the Paranormal Activity series, viewers are either too scared to sleep at night or regret wasting their money on a poorly produced film. The first Paranormal Activity had audiences around the country buzzing about how terrifying it was. I myself went and saw it a second time because I could hardly believe my experience the first time.

The thrill in these “found-footage” movies is that you never know what’s around the corner. All you can see is what the camera light is illuminating at the time. This is what gives viewers that cheap shock. In this installment, strange events start to occur when a woman and a mysterious child move into the neighborhood. Judging by the reviews, this film is sure to be a frightful and nerve-wracking experience!

1. Sinister
From the producer of the Paranormal Activity films and the writer-director of The Exorcism of Emily Rose, comes this horrifying new film. After finding a box of disturbing home movies, Ethan Hawke and his family begin experiencing supernatural terror. If the movie is as scary as the trailers, then this will be a must-see!


Matt Fultz is a sophomore studying Marketing and Magazine Journalism. He is currently the official fashion blogger of Her Fashion and contributing writer for HCUCF. After college, Matt hopes to work for a fashion magazine in NYC and gain a reputation as a fashion photographer. Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattWFultz for fashion updates and more! 
Nicholas Osler graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2014 with a degree in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasosler