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The Top 10 Things Spain Is Doing Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Don’t get me wrong, I love ‘Merica, but studying abroad this Summer in Spain made me realize some things they are doing that we definitely should consider adopting.1. College PricesI don’t know if you knew this, but Spain, along with basically the rest of Europe, lets you go to any public university for FREE. Yes, I said FREE. Think about that next time you’re selling your soul to buy a couple textbooks.2. Drinking AgeNot only is the drinking age 18 and not 21, but the entire attitude towards drinking is so different from the states. At 16 you’re allowed to drink beer or wine when you’re with your parents, creating a much more relaxed attitude towards alcohol. Sorry, America, but if you’re so adamant about us not having any, we’re going to want it much more, and in much greater quantities.3. Wine PricesGuys, I bought a bottle of wine for one euro. One. Euro. One. Bottle. I mean, I don’t know, I was impressed.4. SiestasRemember way back when, when you and naps broke up in kindergarten and now you’re constantly wishing you would’ve worked things out and stayed together? Yes, in Spain they set aside about 3 hours of the afternoon to relax and sleep, which they need because going out there doesn’t end until about 7 a.m..5.Acceptable  Drinking TimeDepending on where you are, you’ve probably used the phrase “it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!” to defend yourself as you down the margarita while the sun is still up high. Well, in Spain you can drink anywhere, at any time and nobody judges you. It’s perfectly acceptable to drink a sangria in the middle of the day and, in fact, many restaurants have a deal where you get a drink and get a free tapa with it. Now your tapa is never alone.6. The MenOkay, clearly I’m biased, but wow does Spain have some attractive men. There were way too many times I had to pick my jaw up off the ground because some tan, muscular guy with flawless 5 o’clock shadow and perfect hair smiled at me with his bright, white teeth. Okay, done swooning for now.7. Tax IncludedHave you ever sat in a restaurant or store trying to figure out if you can afford whatever it is you want?  Don’t forget that you’re cutting it close because you have to add the tax too. Yeah, try every single day. Spain and most of Europe have figured out that just including the tax in their prices is much easier on everyone when going to pay. No surprises, no overthinking. Please make our lives easier, America.8. DancingAs impressive as your ability to awkwardly stand behind a girl and thrust your pelvis at her every once in a while (I’m talking to you, middle school American boy,) we women are a little more impressed when a guy can dance flamenco or twirl us around while dancing salsa.9.  Embracing Other CulturesI’m proud to be an American, and I know everyone else is too. If you don’t believe me, just start chanting U-S-A at a bar and see the camaraderie you instantly share with every other person chugging a Bud Light. All I’m saying is, sometimes we can show some love for other cultures too. We are a melting pot, people! And this coming from a Cuban; the assumption that you’re Mexican just because you’re Hispanic gets old. In Spain and most other countries, speaking two languages at a young age is a given, and people actually WANT to learn about other cultures and languages, which is a welcome change from the usual “I’m American so I don’t care about anyone else” attitude.10.  The ScenerySince my trip was only about 2 1/2 weeks long, I saw some pretty amazing places. I spent most of my time in Nerja, but I also traveled to bigger cities like Granada and Málaga. If you ever have the chance to go kayaking in the Mediterranean, do it. Your instructor will probably be super hot too.

If I haven’t convinced you to buy a plane ticket to Europe yet, I guess I haven’t done my job. Don’t forget to order some sangria with your lunch, because it’s always 5 o’clock in Spain.

Nichole is a junior at UCF majoring in Advertising/ Public relations who loves that tweeting is a huge part of her job description. Hobbies include stealing way too many free mints from restaurants, incorporating song lyrics into everyday conversation and becoming way too attached to TV series on Netflix. She hopes to one day become ridiculously famous for doing nothing like the Kardashians if the whole "get-married-to-Zac-Efron" thing doesn't pan out. Follow her on Instagram&Twitter @nicholesantana because she solemnly swears to never post a #SelfieSunday or #MCM. 
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