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Tim Meneghin ‘12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Between Shooting Hoops And Hitting The Books

Name: Tim Meneghin

Year: Senior

Relationship Status: Single

Major: International and Global Studies with a minor in Fitness Training

Do you have any special interests? Mainly basketball. I currently play at the Winter Park Community Center. My trainer is Barry Mestel, who is also the President/Coach for the pro basketball team, the Orlando Venom. This is a new team in the International Basketball League (IBL). I am trying out for them this upcoming February/March, and if I make it, I will start playing at the end of March.
Do you have any current jobs? I currently work part-time at Grande Lakes Ritz Carlton as a professional caddie for the golf course. I have another part-time job at ‘A Smart Place To Be,’ where I am a reading tutor for a group of elementary kids. Also, I Coach an AAU basketball team of 12- and 13-year-olds through Florida Winning Ways Program.
What about your dream job? Definitely an NBA player. I would also like to be a motivational speaker, rapper, mentor, and role model.
What is your ideal first date? First, start off with Olive Garden, then go to a water park, and then the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. If she makes it through the Cheesecake Factory she is in the game! I like girls who aren’t afraid to eat real food. I would open all the doors, by the way.
What are your ‘turn-ons’ in a girl? Athletic and doesn’t wear a lot of makeup. Also, great smile, belly button pierced, and nice teeth. A girl who gets excited about life every day and has positive vibes – the whole nine yards.
How about ‘turn-offs’? Too much makeup, tramp stamps, girly-girl, complains a lot, smokes cigarettes, drinking and partying all the time.
And lastly, what is the hottest outfit a girl can wear? Sports bra and spandex OR a tight dress and heels with the red bottom.

So ladies, the next time you feel like hitting the gym, look out for this stud on the basketball courts!