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Thrift Store Shopping: Oldies But Goodies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Thrift store shopping is definitely one of the best-kept secrets. Shopping in thrift stores is not always the most popular thing to do; they definitely have some odd finds and cheap clothes. But on a positive note, they are filled with goodies that you might not have known existed. Being a broke college girl, it’s the best way to go. I love thrift store shopping, and here is why.

Yes, you are bound to find some absolutely ridiculous clothes that make you wonder why they were ever made. But on the other hand I have found some of the most amazing clothes in second-hand stores. Both of my homecoming and prom dresses were from vintage and thrift stores; I am not ashamed.  I have also found this hideous dress that for some reason I was drawn to. It was this ’80s number that was floor length, had long sleeves and was about 8 sizes too big. Oh, and it was covered in sequins. But for those of you who love to sew like I do, it was my best project. I turned it into a super cute party dress. That’s one of the benefits of shopping in thrift stores every so often; it’s a cheap way to find clothes for any occasion – even if it does take a little craftiness.
Thrift store shopping is almost like a treasure hunt; you really have to dig to get the good stuff.  And who doesn’t like a good treasure? Some of the best things I have found are a whole tea set for four from London made in 18-something  (I should have bought it), old Michael Jackson records, multiple sports jerseys, and endless amounts of shirts and dresses covered in sequins (I have a weakness for sequined-covered garments).  There is no way of knowing the endless possibilities of things you will find. Even though you will probably leave with knick-knacks no one ever needs, it’s totally worth it.

I remember in our middle school and high school days when people wouldn’t be caught dead in a thrift store. Well, I am here to tell you that I got all the good stuff while you guys were busy spending all your money on one shirt at Abercrombie. My most lucky find was a brand spanking new Vera Bradley bag that even had my first initial embroidered on the side. It was like it was sent there just for me. At the reasonable price of only $10, that bag was mine.
If you have one of those days with nothing to do, instead of just watching TV, spend the day thrift store shopping. Not only is thrift store shopping helpful for finding new things to decorate your apartment with; it can be used for pure entertainment purposes. Grab a couple of your friends and make it a competition. Who can find the ugliest Christmas sweater? Or whoever finds the most coffee cups with a cat face on it wins the grand prize of that stuffed pheasant sitting in the corner.  I have actually found a stuffed pheasant before, and my dad bought it…
The point is, thrift store shopping is fun and cheap. Being college students, we do not have the largest budgets, so having stores like Goodwill are very convenient for us if we ever need little kitchen utensils or some T-shirts. Plus, I always have a little fun just from all the crazy things I might see. So good luck and happy hunting! 

 Keegan is a sophomore at UCF majoring in Environmental Studies and is part of the HCUCF team as an editorial writer. Keegan is obsessed with all things Disney and is currently training for a marathon. If she survives, she will attend law school and dedicate her life to making the hospitality industry as environmentally friendly as possible.