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Stylish Collegiette: Alinnette Hernandez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

What makes someone a fashion Icon? As Heidi Klum accurately put it, “In fashion, one day you’re in, and the next day you’re out.” But there are those fierce few who go down in history as a fashion icon. Alexander McQueen, Coco Chanel, and Anna Wintour are just a few that have been given this honor.

I am starting a new HCUCF feature called “Iconic” in hopes of uncovering some fashionable gems. This week’s stylish collegiette has given me a beacon of hope for the future of fashion at UCF.

Alinnette Hernandez is a fashion icon in her own right, well, at least on campus she is. While I was scouting fashionable students in the union, I saw this very chic, red-lipped collegiette sitting in a chair looking absolutely stunning!

My friend and fellow Knight, Yolanda Means, was sitting at the table next to her and made sure I saw this well-dressed girl! She even mentioned how she’s seen her around campus always dressed to impress.

Alinnette is a lover of fashion, writes for CollegeFashionista.com, and is apparently an attraction for the students of UCF. Amongst students dressed for comfort, Alinnette stands out as one of the few who dress for the love of fashion. I loved seeing the reactions of students as we made our way around the heart of campus.

It’s pretty clear that this collegiette is making her presence known as a fashion icon at UCF. Take some notes from this Style Guru and make our campus your runway! WERK!

Matt Fultz is a sophomore studying Marketing and Magazine Journalism. He is currently the official fashion blogger of Her Fashion and contributing writer for HCUCF. After college, Matt hopes to work for a fashion magazine in NYC and gain a reputation as a fashion photographer. Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattWFultz for fashion updates and more! 
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