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Study Mode Activated: Lo-fi Beats as Your Study Companion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Lo-fi music is best described as beats with a relaxed, mellow, and nostalgic sound. It features smooth beats and ambient textures. Lo-fi music creates a calming and introspective atmosphere, making it popular for relaxing and unwinding. I use Lo-fi mostly when I am studying. It allows me to transform my study sessions into focused, productive experiences. Let’s dive into why Lo-fi beats are so effective and how they can elevate your study game.

1. Creating A Productive Atmosphere

Lo-fi increases productivity because of its repetitive melodies and slow tempos. It usually does not have lyrics which minimizes distractions and allows its listener to focus on their task. Lo-fi’s low-intensity soundscapes help create a relaxed atmosphere that exhilarates productivity and creativity.

2. Enhancing Cognitive Function

Lo-fi music can activate several areas of the brain, one of them being the prefrontal cortex. Your prefrontal cortex is responsible for focusing your attention, decision-making, and working memory. When Lo-fi music activates the key areas in your brain, it improves your cognitive function.

3. Reducing Stress and Anxiety

The music promotes calmness and improves one’s mental health. The slow tempo of Lo-fi alleviates symptoms of anxiety and depression. A calm ambiance is created and lowers your stress. This relaxed state of mind is ideal for absorbing new information and retaining knowledge.

4. IMproving mood and motivation

Music triggers the release of dopamine which is a neurotransmitter and hormone. Dopamine plays the role as a reward center and is associated with motivation and pleasure. Lo-fi leads to an elevated mood. I feel less anxious when studying, Lo-fi slows down my mind and allows me to work in ways that help me better comprehend and accomplish my work. I get my work done a lot quicker now, Lo-fi gives me that boost that I’ve longed for.

Integrating Lofi Beats into Daily Life

You don’t have to use Lo-fi just for studying, you can use it to unwind. Lo-fi has a variety of beats to listen to. I listen to Lo-fi Jazz when I am trying to relax after a hectic day. Many people generate Lo-fi music. I’ve been subscribed to ‘Lofi Girl’ YouTube channel for over a year and they have different lo-fi playlists depending on what mood you’re trying to set. You can find Lo-fi music not only on YouTube but also on Apple Music and Spotify.

By harnessing the calming, rhythmic qualities of Lo-fi music, you can create an optimal study environment that reinforces cognitive function, reduces stress, and cultivates a productive mindset. Incorporate Lo-fi beats into your study routine and watch your focus and learning capabilities soar.

Here are a few lo-fi beats to relax and study to

Ayana Griffin is a UCF senior majoring in communication & conflict. She also has a minor in journalism. Ayana is apart of NSLS, Lambda Pi Eta Communication Honor Society and the Her Campus UCF chapter. She spends her time listening to music, creating content, photography and binge watching movies and shows.