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On That Study Grind

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Ever get so tired of studying in the same boring places? Or how about that time when that obnoxious girl sitting next to you disregards the “no cellphone” sign and begins arguing with her boyfriend over the phone?

Certainly during finals week, moving tables isn’t really a viable option…so I’ve gathered a few new and exciting places that might make your studying a little more bearable!
1.      Of course we have the ever so thrilling library. Unless you get there at 5 a.m., the chances of you finding a decent spot to get your studying on is slim to none. But if waking up before the sun rises really gets you going, then by all means…study away.

2.      Looking to take your textbooks outside? The Reflection Pond is a perfect location to do so. If you’re the kind of person who prefers to overlook a scenic and tranquil setting while you hit the books, this is definitely one of a kind.

3.      I don’t know about you, but the coffee shop in the library has a lot to be desired. Need to keep your energy and caffeine pumping? Visit the bookstore with a built in Starbucks!

4.      When students picture the Student Union, they immediately recall the hustling and bustling during the school week. However, what most students don’t know is, the student union is open 24 hours during finals week and, like the library, the higher the floor, the quieter it gets! Plus, the entire first floor is made up of delicious snack food!

5.      Located perpendicular to the arena, All Knight Study has a great atmosphere for those all night cram sessions. With private rooms, computers, and projector screens, this study room is the perfect group-friendly place to cram for those exams.

6.      Places like Panera Bread or your local beanery offer great distraction-free environments to really get your head in the game while studying for those upcoming tests. With food and drinks at your fingertips, it’s no wonder why students flock to these study destinations.
Even if you don’t attend the University of Central Florida, most colleges have numerous study halls and student-friendly atmospheres to help you ace those exams. To find out the best places to study, visit your Student Union and SGA office for more information!

Nina DeSarro is a senior at the University of Central Florida, pursuing a degree in Communication with a minor in Magazine Journalism and Sociology. She is the Assistant Editorial Director for UCF's HC chapter, and has been an avid Feature writer since her freshman year. Within her varied group of friends, she’s known as their “relationship guru,” specializing in the male/female dynamics. She is also an active member and former finance chair for her sorority, Alpha Epsilon Phi. In addition to being an avid writer, she can usually be found “plugged-in” with Dave Matthews Band streaming. Her ideal world is filled with Cosmo magazines, Vanilla Lattes, Sex and the City, Louboutin’s, and anything glittery. Her goals include, living and working somewhere in the North East for a television or magazine agency.