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The Solution To Remembering Your Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Think back to December 31, 2010.  When the clock struck midnight and it became 2011, you imagined a year better than the last.  A new year represents a new beginning and new opportunities.  Anything is possible.  Every year, January 1st is the day to be optimistic.  It is the day to start your New Year’s resolution.  Except somewhere along the road your optimism shrinks and the idea of a New Year’s resolution quickly fades until it’s completely forgotten.  I’ve realized the key word to the phrase; New Year resolution is “year.”  Just because you gave up on your goal in January or February doesn’t mean you can’t try it again.  You have a whole entire year to try to achieve whatever plan you set for yourself. 

For instance, let’s say you want to get straight A’s.  If you’re like me then maybe this semester was harder than you thought.   Maybe you didn’t have enough time to dedicate your life to your schoolwork, or if you did you’d have to give up your social life or your job.  The good news is there’s still fall semester.  There are even summer terms for those of you that are enrolled then.  So challenge yourself until the end of this semester to see if you can bring up your grade to an A.  If it doesn’t work out, you still have at least one more semester to try again. 
Getting in better shape or losing weight is probably the most common New Year resolution.  Most girls start on a diet every morning and completely forget about it by the end of the night.  The dream body we want doesn’t seem possible for us, but every girl knows someone who actually has done it successfully.  Sometimes we go strong for a week, maybe even two, and then one day we take a day off and it ruins the entire process.  Do your best to be active and eat better and eventually it will become a habit.  Even though you may not have lost all the weight you wanted to you can still do it.  Try to achieve your bikini body before summer, or work out all throughout summer to come back in the fall and wow all your friends.   Those who haven’t seen you in months will be floored by your hot new look and boost of confidence. 
It’s good to have goals.  Setting small goals for yourself will make your resolution easier to achieve.  2011 isn’t over until December 31.  Technically, you have 8 months left to achieve any resolution you set for yourself.  Whatever your resolution may be, it’s important to remember that anything is attainable and anything is possible.