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Snacking Solutions: A Guide to Healthy Eating

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I am a snack addict.  There… I said it. I have been known to munch out on Dorito’s, move on to the Gushers, and then break out the old standard Cherry Garcia ice cream, all during one episode of Project Runway.  Aside from the strange glances from my friends in reaction to my eccentric pregnancy-like snacking situation, the one thing they never fail to ask me is “How do you not weigh 10,000 pounds?” Which made me realize that if I kept up these eating habits, Heidi wouldn’t just be saying “Auf Wiedersehen” to a designer that week, she’d be saying it to my waistline as well.
After realizing I needed to change my less than healthy diet habits, I attempted to quit snacking cold turkey, which only left me hungry, discouraged, and irritated.  Then, I discovered the answer: don’t deprive myself of snack time completely (although I should shrink my portions), just change what I eat.  In lieu of those Dorito’s, I will pick up something that will actually nourish my body instead of filling it up with empty calories.
 For those of you looking to improve on your snacking ways, here’s a list of common junk food guilty pleasures and some similar, more nutritious snacks to replace them with.

1. Popsicles and ice cream:  These icy treats are a common favorite of well…everyone.  Instead of having the real thing, which can have an army of hundreds of calories and fats waiting to invade your love handles, opt for frozen yogurt with sugar substitutes. Frozen yogurt has the same taste and texture as ice cream and is sure to quell your craving. For the popsicle lovers out there, try freezing some fruit and munching on that, grapes and mango are my personal favorites. You can even make your own popsicles out of low-sugar fruit juices. These both give you a boost of fruity flavor and cold refreshment, minus all the unnecessary sugar and calories.
2. Potato chips:  When you crave the salty instead of the sweet, popcorn and rice cakes are wholesome alternatives to fried potato chips.  Air popped, unsalted popcorn, is a low calorie snack that you can season however you’d like.  High in iron and other minerals, it can satisfy those looking for crunchy snacks without packing on the sodium and fat.  I realize rice cakes have a bad reputation for being “like cardboard,” but don’t believe what you hear!  There are tons of flavors ranging from cheddar to kettle corn, so you’ll certainly find something to please you. I put a small serving of peanut butter or Nutella on plain, lightly salted rice cakes for a nice salty and sweet contrast.
3. Candy bars: Am I the only one who noticed candy bars are an ever lurking danger?  Patiently waiting for you to pick them up in gas stations, grocery stores, and unsuspecting locations like craft stores. I cannot articulate how many times I’ve attempted to buy paint and ended up with a Reece’s cup.  A good alternative to the hazardous candy bars are granola bars. Some of my favorites are Larabars and Luna bars. Both brands come in enticing flavors like chocolate chip brownie, peanut butter cookie, and s’mores, while packing in vitamins and protein. These are perfect for snacking on the go, and Lara bars are even made specifically with women’s nutrition in mind.
So, don’t go hungry. Instead, try incorporating some of these health-conscious foods into your diets. Remember, you can still have your favorite junk foods every once in a while in small portions, all things in moderation. Happy snacking!