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Screw Your Way to Skinny

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Sex is great, right?
Okay, c’mon guys, don’t lie.

I know you’re all freaks in the sheets. You know what? Your health thanks you very much for that. Sex is a fabulous way to slim down, tone up, and stay psychologically well adjusted.

Slim Down – Sex can burn anywhere from 90-150 calories per half hour. This includes foreplay. That’s right! So stretch it out, get your heart racing, and enjoy the pleasurable benefits.
Healthy Heart – In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, sex twice or more a week cuts the likelihood of a fatal heart attack in half. Although this sounds inapplicable to you now, you are going to be with your body for a very long time. Do yourself a favor and look out for its future by pleasing yourself now.
Tone Up – When in certain positions, think of the muscle group you’re engaging to make it work. For example, get on top and engage your thighs. More repetition is the key to toning up – you’ll get more endurance out of your muscles. Here’s another trick, get him to pick you up. Instead of him holding you, be the one that’s holding onto him. Put your biceps to work by pulling yourself up closer to him.
Self Esteem – This is one of the number one reasons people have sex, according to the University of Texas researchers in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. Although not a conscious reason to have sex, it definitely leaves you with a great feeling and a heightened view of yourself.
Intimacy – Having sex increases the levels of oxytocin in our body. Known as the “love hormone,” this helps us bond and build trust. You become closer with your partner each time you get busy in the sack because of this hormone. That bond is a pretty strong bond and is a reason why sex is such a large part of relationships.

I’m not telling you to ditch the gym and eat terrible food; I’m telling you to recognize the good out of what you’re already doing! Sex is a great thing and is what we have all been physically and psychologically programmed to do. So let’s decriminalize it and get down to business. I wish you a great new year and have a great time screwing your way to skinny!