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Real UCF Guy: If Your Guy Does ___ He Might ___

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.


Alight ladies, I’m about to break what some guys might consider “man code,” but I do not care. Aside from the occasionally humorous bit of advice, most guys use the term “man code,” or worse yet, “bro code” to make an insensitive, rude, and offensive act seem more palatable. This needs to stop. It is easy to blame the guys, as they are the ones following this “code.” It is just as easy to turn to the girls and ask, “Well, why did you put up with that?” Here are two simple, yet complex, scenarios you may find yourself in and some advice on how to get through them. This is coming from a guy who’s seen his fair share of douchebags acting in a myriad of douchey ways.

Side note: This article is not to be taken as definitive proof as I do not know the specific nature of every relationship you may be in. It is merely advice from an observer and hopefully will be used to better your relationship.


Let’s come out swinging shall we? I am not implying that guys are the only ones who cheat, but more often than not it is the guy. There are an infinite number of possibilities as to why the guy cheated. All that matters is that he did cheat. This is NOT an automatic deal breaker unless you want it to be, but it is an early warning sign. The best thing you can do is to find out as much as you possibly can. Be blunt and ask him why he cheated and why he felt he could do it. Do not be afraid to get a little personal. Cheating is a serious issue and is almost universally the number one reason couples breakup. This is definitely not something to brush off. Speaking of which, if a guy brushes off his cheating past he will just as easily brush you off if given the chance. Cheating is one of the most cowardly acts you can possibly commit; hence my emphasis on this issue. If a guy is too immature to breakup with you before moving on to his next relationship, fling, etc., imagine ALL of the other things he is too immature to do. That sounds weird…until you think about. A man who cheats is not a man at all. Be sure that when the topic comes up you ask a ton of questions and get an answer to every question you need answered.


Think of all the things your phone does. It’s an alarm, your email, a camera, a message board, an actual phone and so much more. To many people it holds their entire life. It is no longer a stretch to say that it is necessary to own a cell phone nowadays. Keeping that in mind, what does it mean if your guy is hiding his phone from you? Unfortunately, it could mean a lot. It could range from another girl to a surprise party. There is one thing to do. Call him out! Don’t be accusatory. Instead, be inquisitive. Be straightforward, yet understanding. Don’t automatically assume he is doing something wrong. After all, surprises in relationships can be really nice. Show him you are concerned and ask him to explain. This could easily save you both some needless fights.

Until next time,

Real UCF Guy David.

Nicholas Osler graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2014 with a degree in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasosler