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Random Lessons You Learn in Your Freshman Year of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

The college experience is all about learning. You learn academically to prepare you for your future career. But what about the lessons that you learn a part from the books? I’ve compiled a list of random lessons I have learned from my first year of college. Even if you are a graduating senior, I’m sure at least one of these will resonate with you.


  • Living away from home is the perfect way to prove to your family that you are an independent adult. Making your own doctor’s appointments? Check. Learning to make your go-to home cooked meal? Check.
  • Unfortunately, the harsh reality of being adult comes with new-found responsibilities such as bills.

Wish leads me to my next point…


  • Being a college student gives a new definition to the word frugal. There may be instances where you have to survive off a small sum of money. College teaches you budgeting.
  • Always price match textbooks. The campus bookstore might be a tempting option to purchase textbooks, but they can put a dent on your wallet. Search alternative places such as Amazon and Chegg. Also, don’t be afraid to rent or buy used.
  • Take advantage of student discounts. Many local restaurants, movie theaters, or businesses give discounted prices just for simply being a college student. Always ask. You just might save a few bucks.
  • It’s ok to say no.  I have had to learn that sometimes I have to limit the amount of times I eat out. If maintaining your social life is effecting your budget, learn to say “no” sometimes. There’s always a cheaper alternative.

Social Life

  • The night life can be overrated. While I’m not against going out and having a good time, clubbing and partying can get old very fast.
  • Try going to as many campus events as possible. There is almost always fun activities and events that you can do around campus. Keep an eye out for them. This is a great way to meet new people and make friends.
  • Join an organization that you are passionate about. Quality is better than quantity. There are hundreds of clubs and organizations to join. However, find one or two that you are solidly committed too. This will definitely enhance your college experience.
  • Making genuine friends is harder than you might expect. In the initial stages of your college career, you will have a high influx of new people that you will meet. That eventually levels off and you may notice your friend group dwindling in size. Don’t be discouraged.  In your first year, if you can say that you have made just one good friend, you are doing great. Building a friendship circle takes time. In life, people come and go.

What are some lessons you have learned while in college? Let us know in the comments.


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Abisola, also known as simply "Abby" is an electronic journalism major. She is a Nigerian-American blogger, songwriter, soon-to-be author, and self-proclaimed feminist. She is a reporter for a website called "PrettyGirlsSweat" and also writes for UCF's news source "KnightNews.com" In her free time she enjoys catching up on her favorite shows which include Gilmore Girls, Blackish, Modern Family, and the Mindy Project. She also enjoys watching makeup tutorials and vlogs on YouTube. In the future, she aspires to be a news anchor/reporter for an Entertainment News Station such as E! Follow Abisola on social media to keep up with her shenanigans. Twitter: https://twitter.com/abisola2798 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/abbyadeyemo27/
UCF Contributor