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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

This year was the first time I had ever had a job in college, and the hardest thing by far is balancing my previous responsibilities with this new, super time-consuming one. Megan Havner wrote a great article on how to stay organized in college, and it has some awesome tips. The fourth tip was “write it down,” and that has always been the one thing that I find to be most helpful.

I write everything down in 12 different ways. I set 15 alarms, write 2 Post-its, fill my planner with the things I have to do, and still occasionally forget to do them. But these measures are the only chances I have of remembering anything. Without them…well, it wouldn’t be pretty.

Now when I think of all these organizational tools, I think they must be boring…probably various shades of black and grey, and definitely not cute. The truth is, though, that there’s plenty of planners, lists, Post-its, pens, and apps that are both resourceful and nice-looking, so I have compiled a list of some of my favorite tools that will make your life so much easier.

1. Planner: Create a personalized one from Erincondren.com! A friend told me about these, and they’re a regular notebook size, so that means it’s huge and it’s even divided into morning and evening, so you can divide up your time when making plans.

(Bonus tip: Just remember to add EVERYTHING down in your planner. Whether it’s drinks with the girls, a date night, a work meeting, or a biology test…everything you’ll have to do will need to be there so you will not overbook yourself with events.)

2. Pocket notebook: A small notebook to stick in your purse or in your car for those moments on the run where you know you’ll forget it if you don’t write it down immediately. This one’s from katespade.com.

3. Calendar: Something stationary for your home to put all major events on. This is great for birthdays and anniversaries and other special dates that you’ll know months ahead of time. Calendars.com has every kind you can imagine, especially if you want one of your favorite TV show.

4. Post-it notes: I always think of things right before I’m going to sleep, so I write on these so I remember to write them in my planner or elsewhere in the morning. Also, this is great for when you need that in-your-face reminder on the back of your door, so you see it on your way out. These floral ones are from Anthropology.

5. Grocery list: This already-made list is something I’d probably complete on my break at work or in class and would make errands a piece of cake. The Urban Outfitters’ list makes grocery shopping simple and well organized.