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President 45’s Leaked Video: An Open Letter To My Future Daughter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Dear Future Daughter,

It is sickening to me that I even have to write this. The current president of the United States thinks that you, and all your fellow women, should not be judged based on your skills and qualifications, but rather, by your looks. I need you to know that this man is deluded. There is no one more capable, intelligent, brave, independent, and resilient than you. You and all your sisters all over the world are the people who are going to carry society into the future, and not because a man finds you attractive. I believe that you, as a woman, have so much to offer society.

There will be men in this world who will tell you that you will amount to nothing if you are not attractive to them. I am telling you that you will amount to everything, regardless. Spend your time building your character. Do not judge your sisters who choose to wear make-up, dress differently, or feel the need to alter their appearance. They are not doing it for the sake of men, but for themselves. Defend your sisters in their time of need, as I hope they would do for you. When you witness a woman being treated as less than she deserves, come to her side in the battle. Women are soldiers, women are warriors.

As one woman beautifully put it, “it pays for women to lift women up, support one another, realize inequities exist, and bear witness to every woman’s story.” I hope that you are surrounded by women who lift you up and support you, and make sure you know that you are more than how you look. Your body is made not for anyone to ogle. Your face is not a job application. You are a superhero, a wondrous being who will accomplish great things. I pray that you see the strength in all the women beside you, and who came before you. May the world you live in judge you based on the content of your character and not how you look. 

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I am currently a senior at my beloved University of Central Florida! I am majoring in early childhood education, and I hope to one day teach kindergarten. I also hope to start a blog about my teaching shenanigans down the road. For now, I spend my days reading, exploring the theme parks, and enjoying all that my city beautiful has to offer! I love dogs, The Office, and long walks on the beach.
UCF Contributor