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Paige Goodwin: HCUCF Editorial Director

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Paige Goodwin is the Editorial Director of Her Campus UCF. She is a senior at the University of Central Florida studying Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Psychology. She is actively involved in the Alpha Delta Pi sorority, where she currently holds the position of Philanthropy Chair. Paige is an avid lover of fashion and cooking blogs, exercising and the Florida sunshine. Her dream is to eventually work in the fashion industry in New York City and be ultimately happy.

When did you start with Her Campus UCF?
I joined Her Campus in the fall of 2011 as a feature writer. When I saw a friend of mine post a job sale for an open position as her Facebook status, I decided that I had to give it a shot!

What are your plans after graduation?
As of now, I’m applying for jobs in advertising in New York City. I would really love to get into fashion advertising, but I’m not going to be too picky with my first job. My goal is to be in New York City by this summer. Wish me luck! 

What was your favorite memory from working at HCUCF?
I have made so many enjoyable and lasting memories while being apart of the Her Campus UCF chapter. I have met incredible people and have made lasting friendships. I would have to say my most favorite memory was the Hip Hop exercise class we sponsored last year at Memory Mall. I am NOT a dancer by any means, but the instructor had me dancing the entire time! It was a blast! 

What, if anything, will you miss about UCF?
To be completely honest, I’m ready to get out of Orlando. Now that doesn’t mean that I won’t miss UCF, but I can strongly say that four years have been enough. I’m ready for new surroundings. The one thing I will miss about UCF is the incredible relationships I have made with the most amazing people. I have made lifelong friends here at UCF, and I wouldn’t change the memories we’ve made for the world.

Do you have any advice for collegiettes graduating next semester?
My advice is to enjoy every moment you have before you graduate. Don’t stress too much about landing the perfect job directly after graduation. If you’re determined and passionate enough, wonderful things will happen. If you stress your life away during those last months you have as an undergraduate, you’ll regret not enjoying every second you have left as being a college student.

Matt Fultz is a sophomore studying Marketing and Magazine Journalism. He is currently the official fashion blogger of Her Fashion and contributing writer for HCUCF. After college, Matt hopes to work for a fashion magazine in NYC and gain a reputation as a fashion photographer. Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattWFultz for fashion updates and more! 
UCF Contributor