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Not In The “Mood”?: Eat These Foods

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Don’t deny it. It’s happened to us all before. Yes, it’s embarrassing. No, it’s not because our partner has bad breath.
It’s the heat of the moment, and you are just not “in the mood.”

Why, though? As college students, we should be in our sexual prime.

There are a lot of reasons that your sexual desires can go down. If you’re on birth control or other medication, not sleeping, or are simply just stressed with school or your job, you can easily be affected by the “not tonight” plague.
Don’t worry, though. It can easily be fixed by eating these certain foods.

  1. Bananas: No, bananas don’t get you in the mood just because their shape. Bananas contain bromelain, a supplement shown to increase muscle strength and sex drive in men. They also are high in potassium and vitamin B, which increase your energy levels. Use this as a reason to get your boyfriend or girlfriend to make you a strawberry and banana smoothie every once in a while.
  2. Avocado: Avocado also contains tons of vitamin B and potassium, increasing stamina in both men and women. Specifically, avocados increase male hormone production and help regulate a woman’s thyroid gland. They were used to help increase sexual desires since the Aztecs, who called it the “testicle tree.” Like guacamole? This is your excuse to take in all those fats.
  3. Oysters: For all you sea food lovers out there, oysters are a great way to increase your sex drive naturally. The zinc in oysters helps raise sperm and testosterone production, while the hormone dopamine is also known to help increase libido.
  4. Almonds: Almonds not only contain fatty acids to increase your energy, but they also are known for their arousing smell. Studies show that the smell of almonds is another natural way to get in the mood, so if you don’t like the taste of almonds, just light some almond scented candles and you’re good to go!
  5. Dark Chocolate: Chocolate isn’t Valentine Day’s candy of choice for no reason. With high levels of serotonin, theobromine, and phenylethylamine (phen-il-thy-what?), chocolate helps make you energetic and happy by actually releasing chemicals in your brain that make you feel like you’re in love. So next time you pass on the chocolate ice cream or Hershey’s bar, use this as a reason to indulge.

So, next time you want to plan a romantic dinner, make sure to have guacamole and oysters as an appetizer and some chocolate covered bananas for dessert. It also wouldn’t hurt to have an almond candle lit to “set the mood.” 

Kathryn Tromba is a Junior at the University of Central Florida. She is majoring in Interpersonal and Organizational Communication and minoring in Magazine Journalism. She is the Twitter Manager for @HerCampusUCF, the Public Relations Chair for Rent the Runway UCF, and a Campus Ambassador for InternQueen.com.