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New Year, New You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Why is it so easy to make New Year’s resolutions, yet so incredibly difficult to keep them? Do we make our resolutions unrealistic and out of reach? Or are we too lazy to change our actions for what we believe is for the better? I believe that it is, more times than not, a combination of both.  The whole point of making New Years resolutions is because we are unsatisfied with certain aspects of our lives, so we then create solutions to improve those aspects. Usually, this urge for a drastic change leaves us feeling overwhelmed and quite possibly defeated. So why not give yourself an extra push this year. What are you afraid to lose?
Below are a few healthy and practical New Years resolutions that every collegiette™ should prioritize this year, or at least until spring break.
1.)    Choose Water Over Soda
As we all know, but refuse to take to heart, soda does absolutely nothing for you. Water leaves your body feeling refreshed and looking radiant. Soda leaves your body dehydrated and eventually looking like a shriveled old woman! Some of you might be thinking that diet soda is the key to our little problem here, but you are wrong. Studies have shown that diet soda actually leads to weight gain. While it doesn’t have calories, it sure does have consequences. My advice to you is to save the calories for another indulgence.
Tip on how to keep this resolution: Carry a stylish water bottle in your purse. The more water you begin to drink, the more you will end up craving it. Stay thirsty, my friends!

Jen knows what I’m talking about!

2.)    Routinely Work Out
Working out is the best possible way to create the body you desire. Design a routine for yourself, and stick to it! If you have trouble keeping yourself accountable, start working out with a friend. Make sure she is dedicated so you do not end up bailing on each other. Working out should not be all work and no play. Reward yourself! Every time you complete a work out, put a dollar or two into your “fitness jar.” After a certain amount of time, splurge on a new pair of skinny jeans – because surely your old ones will be to loose by then! And do not reward yourself with food, because you’re not a dog.
Tip on how to keep this resolution: Sign up for a race. Spending money on the entrance fee will make you more motivated to perform well. All the training will leave your body looking great and your mind on a well deserved “runner’s high.” If you get discouraged, always keep in mind: No matter how slow you go, you’re still lapping everyone on the couch.
3.)    Eat Healthier
How many years have you vowed to eat healthier? How many years have you followed through with it? That’s what I thought. Why not make this year different? Purchase a small notebook that can easily fit into your purse or car, and log everything you eat daily. Research has proven that by writing down exactly what you eat per day can help you cut your intake by 500-1,000 calories a day. Now, who doesn’t want to do that?! Eating healthy still allows you to indulge in your guilty pleasures from time to time, as long as you’re using correct portion control. Remember that reaching your goal weight is 30% exercise and 70% what you eat!
Tip on how to keep this resolution: Put a picture of someone who is slightly overweight on your fridge. Some make the mistake of putting a picture of a person who is morbidly obese and wonders why it has not stopped him or her from binging. The reality is that you will most likely not become obese in your lifetime. You do have a greater chance of becoming slightly overweight. If you still have a hard time putting down those French fries, just keep repeating to yourself “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”

The more color, the merrier!

4.)    Maintain a Positive Attitude
Smile. Life is good. Start appreciating it! Spending all your time stressing over petty things gets you nowhere in life. Maintaining a positive mental attitude will help you excel in all aspects of life. Simply smiling will get you farther than you probably ever imagined. Keep a daily or bi-weekly journal, whichever you prefer to jot down everything going on in your life. If something is bothering you, leave it on paper. Keeping a journal is extremely effective in helping get things off your chest.
Tip on how to keep this resolution: Write yourself inspiring notes on your mirrors in your favorite lipstick. This will give your room a trendy and downright sassy touch. Also, the color green has been proven to help you chill out. Start the fashion trend off right this season by painting your nails a pastel green.
Hopefully these easy-to-keep resolutions inspired you to make a difference for yourself this year. Make short-term goals instead of long-term goals. They are easier to obtain and reinforce why you made it your resolution in the first place. So cheers to keeping your New Year’s resolution and making it out alive in 2012!